The first legislation put forth to take action against NSA surveillance programs revealed by Edward Snowden was authored by Representative Justin Amash (R- Mich). Amash's amendment specifically targeted section 215 of the Patriot Act in attempt to end the blanket collection of records. After intense lobbying by intelligence officials and a statement by the White house condemning the amendment it was voted down 217- 205. Although the amendment did not pass, it revealed to the public which representatives support NSA surveillance programs. Those who voted NO to the Amash Amendment in support of the NSA surveillance programs are on this list. The representatives profiles and connections could use some help being filled in further.

Common Donors

Donor Total People
David B Golub $200,500 Nita M Lowey, Nancy Pelosi
Stephen I Chazen $196,776 Eric Cantor, John Culberson, Peter T King, Kevin McCarthy, Devin Nunes, Nancy Pelosi, Erik Paulsen, Peter G Olson, Susan Brooks, Jeff Denham, Joe Heck, Marlin Stutzman, James Lankford, Todd Young, Andy Barr, Tom Cotton, David Valadao, George Holding
John W Rowe $195,800 John Boehner, Kevin Patrick Brady, Eric Cantor, Shelley Moore Capito, Jim Cooper, Jim Costa, Mario Diaz-Balart, Bill Foster, Jim Gerlach, Luis Vicente Gutiérrez, Daniel Lipinski, Kevin McCarthy, Peter Roskam, Paul Ryan, John M Shimkus, Fred Upton, Joseph Patrick Kennedy II, Adam Kinzinger, Blaine Luetkemeyer, Joe Heck, Todd Young, Tom Reed, Kyrsten Sinema, Tom Cotton, David Valadao, David Joyce
Howard S Jonas $191,360 John Boehner, Eric Cantor, Eliot Engel, Randy Forbes, Rodney P Frelinghuysen, Steny Hoyer, Nita M Lowey, Kevin McCarthy, Michael T McCaul, Hal Rogers, Edward Randall Royce, Frank Rudolph Wolf, Leonard Lance, Brad Schneider, Kyrsten Sinema, Tom Cotton
Elloine Clark $189,966 Michele Bachmann, John Boehner, Kevin Patrick Brady, Shelley Moore Capito, John R Carter, K Michael Conaway, Trent Franks, Kay Granger, Jeb Hensarling, Darrell Issa, Sam Johnson, Steve King, Michael T McCaul, Randy Neugebauer, Devin Nunes, Paul Ryan, Pete Sessions, Tim Walberg, Peter G Olson, Vicky Hartzler, Joe Heck, Marlin Stutzman, Bill Flores, James Lankford, Todd Young, Tom Cotton, Doug Collins
Marc I Stern $187,370 John Boehner, Kevin Patrick Brady, Ken Calvert, Eric Cantor, John Culberson, Darrell Issa, Kevin McCarthy, Michael T McCaul, Edward Randall Royce, Paul Ryan, Erik Paulsen, Jeff Denham, Joe Heck, Todd Young, Andy Barr, Kyrsten Sinema, Robert M Pittenger, Tom Cotton, David Valadao
Sam Zell $185,051 Timothy H Bishop, John Boehner, Charles Boustany, Eric Cantor, Shelley Moore Capito, Kevin McCarthy, Paul Ryan, John M Shimkus, Frank Rudolph Wolf, Adam Kinzinger, Joe Heck, Duncan Duane Hunter, Kyrsten Sinema, Tom Cotton
James D Dannenbaum $181,500 John Boehner, Charles Boustany, Kevin Patrick Brady, John R Carter, Henry Cuellar, John Culberson, Mario Diaz-Balart, Kay Granger, Al Green, Jeb Hensarling, Rubén Hinojosa, Darrell Issa, Sheila Jackson-Lee, Eddie Bernice Johnson, John P. Kline, Jr., Kevin McCarthy, Michael T McCaul, Randy Neugebauer, Edward Randall Royce, Paul Ryan, William Shuster, Lamar Seeligson Smith, Don Young, Peter G Olson, Jeff Denham, Bill Flores, James Lankford, Todd Young
Vinod Khosla $176,500 Bill Foster, Jerry McNerney, Nancy Pelosi
Edgar Bronfman Jr $171,800 Eric Cantor, Steve Israel, Nancy Pelosi, Lamar Seeligson Smith, Fred Upton, Chris Van Hollen, Jim Himes
Marcus M Weinstein $170,100 Eric Cantor
Leslie Bluhm $169,550 Nancy Pelosi, Tim Ryan, Tammy Duckworth, Brad Schneider, Robin L Kelly
Michael W Sonnenfeldt $168,000 Steve Israel, Nita M Lowey, Gregory W Meeks, Nancy Pelosi, Fred Upton, Peter Visclosky, Derek Kilmer, Scott Peters
Meredith Bluhm-Wolf $166,800 Nancy Pelosi, Tammy Duckworth, Brad Schneider, Robin L Kelly
Albert Galatyn Hill Jr $165,450 Michele Bachmann, John Boehner, Kevin Patrick Brady, Shelley Moore Capito, John R Carter, Kay Granger, Jeb Hensarling, Sam Johnson, Kevin McCarthy, Michael T McCaul, Randy Neugebauer, Paul Ryan, Pete Sessions, William Shuster, William McClellan Thornberry, Fred Upton, Peter G Olson, Joe Heck, Marlin Stutzman, Bill Flores, Michael G Grimm, James Lankford, Todd Young, Andy Barr
Janet J Duchossois $164,986 Charles Boustany, Charlie Dent, Daniel Lipinski, Kevin McCarthy, Randy Neugebauer, Dave Reichert, Peter Roskam, Paul Ryan, Pete Sessions, Adam Kinzinger, Todd Young, Tom Reed, Kyrsten Sinema, Tom Cotton
Henry Cuellar $164,700 Henry Cuellar, Joe Garcia
Alfonso Fanjul, Jr. $164,000 Corrine Brown, George Kenneth Butterfield Jr, Henry Cuellar, Mario Diaz-Balart, Eliot Engel, Alcee Lamar Hastings, Steny Hoyer, Mike McIntyre, Nancy Pelosi, Collin Peterson, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Juan Vargas, Gary Peters, Joe Garcia, Tammy Duckworth, Lois Frankel, Frederica Wilson, Ami Bera
Jay Faison $163,700 Kevin Patrick Brady, Ken Calvert, Tom Cole, Charlie Dent, Mario Diaz-Balart, Jeff Fortenberry, Rodney P Frelinghuysen, Kay Granger, Sam Graves, Bob Latta, Frank D Lucas, Kevin McCarthy, Devin Nunes, Dave Reichert, Hal Rogers, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Paul Ryan, John M Shimkus, William Shuster, Michael K Simpson, Patrick Tiberi, Fred Upton, Greg Walden, Steve Stivers, Erik Paulsen, Steven Brett Guthrie, Adam Kinzinger, Luke Messer, Jeff Denham, Richard L Hanna, Joe Heck, Larry Bucshon, Bill Flores, David McKinley, Patrick Meehan, Kristi Noem, Steve Womack, Todd Young, Tom Reed, Jackie Walorski, Brad Wenstrup, Robert M Pittenger, Richard Hudson, David Valadao, David Joyce
Steven B Klinsky $163,400 John Boehner, Eric Cantor, Kevin McCarthy, Paul Ryan, Steve Stivers, Todd Young, Richard Hudson, George Holding