Google lobbyist, US Representative from New York
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Susan Molinari also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Bill Paxon Spencer Abraham, Dennis Hastert, Wayne Allard, Brian P Bilbray, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Ginny Brown-Waite, Vernon G Buchanan, Jim Bunning, Steve Buyer, Dave Camp, Eric Cantor, Shelley Moore Capito, Saxby Chambliss, Thomas Allen Coburn, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Larry Edwin Craig, Tom Davis, Elizabeth Hanford Dole, Philip Sheridan English, John Ensign, Mike Enzi, Randy Forbes, Robin Hayes, Darrell Issa, Peter T King, Mark Steven Kirk, Connie Mack IV, Mel Martinez, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, James O McCrery III, John L Mica, Deborah D Pryce, George P Radanovich, Thomas M Reynolds, Dana Rohrabacher, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Gordon Harold Smith, John E Sununu, John Thune, Patrick Tiberi, Fred Upton, James T Walsh, Don Young, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Tom Delay, Katherine Harris, John D Hayworth Jr, Nancy Lee Johnson, Sue W Kelly, Anne Meagher Northup, Rick Santorum, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, Don Sherwood, John E Sweeney, Jim Talent, James Charles Greenwood, Felix J. Grucci, Jr., Constance A Morella, John Ashcroft, Robert Douglas Franks, Bill McCollum, William Victor Roth Jr, Jay Dickey, Barbara Comstock, George W Bush, Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, Friends of Phil Gramm PAC, Brose A McVey, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Don Stenberg, Volunteer PAC, Thomas H Kean Jr, Nancy A Naples, Freedom Project, Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Leadership PAC 2006, Suzanne Haik Terrell, South Carolina Republican Party, Washington State Republican Party, Douglas R Forrester, Elia Pirozzi, George T Hudson, Continuing a Majority Party Action Committee (Campac), Alice Forgy Kerr, Sandy Treadwell, Victory Political Action Committee, Alaska Republican Party, Ernie Fletcher, Mitt Romney, Irl PAC, Special Teams 2004 Committee, Republican Party of Louisiana, Demaris H Miller, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Ethan Hastert, Bill Thomas, Daniel R McDonald, Dennis A. Ross, Michael G Grimm, Marco Rubio, Jane Norton, Invest in a Strong and Secure America - Issa PAC, James Paul Hendren, Dan Donovan, John Faso, Tom Reynolds, Romney Victory, National Republican Congressional Cmte, Freedom Project
Dan Meyer Spencer Abraham, Tommy G Thompson, Dennis Hastert, Wayne Allard, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Ginny Brown-Waite, Ken Calvert, Dave Camp, Eric Cantor, Shelley Moore Capito, Saxby Chambliss, Thomas Allen Coburn, Norm Coleman, John Ensign, Randy Forbes, Orrin Hatch, Robin Hayes, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Bobby Jindal, Peter T King, Mark Steven Kirk, Connie Mack IV, Mel Martinez, John McCain, Tim Murphy, Jon C Porter, Deborah D Pryce, Thomas M Reynolds, Gordon Harold Smith, John E Sununu, John Thune, Patrick Tiberi, Fred Upton, George Allen, Henry Bonilla, Conrad Burns, Tom Delay, Katherine Harris, Melissa A Hart, John D Hayworth Jr, Nancy Lee Johnson, James Thomas Kolbe, Anne Meagher Northup, Rick Santorum, Don Sherwood, John E Sweeney, Jim Talent, Constance A Morella, John Ashcroft, Robert Douglas Franks, James E Rogan, William Victor Roth Jr, Richard Alan White, Barbara Comstock, George W Bush, Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, Illinois Republican Party, Ernest Istook, America's Majority Trust, America's Foundation, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Don Stenberg, Freedom Project, Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Leadership PAC 2006, Care Political Action Committee, Keith S Fimian, Washington State Republican Party, Trust PAC Team Republicans for Utilizing Sensible Tactics, Heartland Values PAC, Continuing a Majority Party Action Committee (Campac), Value in Electing Women Political Action Committee, Mitt Romney, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Scott P Brown, Kelly Ayotte, Marco Rubio, Jane Norton, Michael Castle, Elise Stefanik, Freedom Project
David Bockorny Spencer Abraham, Dennis Hastert, Marsha Blackburn, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Mary Bono Mack, Jim Bunning, Dave Camp, Eric Cantor, Shelley Moore Capito, Saxby Chambliss, Thomas Allen Coburn, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Barbara L Cubin, Tom Davis, John Taylor Doolittle, Philip Sheridan English, John Ensign, Randy Forbes, Orrin Hatch, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Peter T King, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, James O McCrery III, John L Mica, Charles W Norwood Jr, Jon C Porter, Ralph Straus Regula, Thomas M Reynolds, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Gordon Harold Smith, Olympia Snowe, John E Sununu, John Thune, Patrick Tiberi, Fred Upton, Don Young, George Allen, Henry Bonilla, Conrad Burns, Lincoln Davenport Chafee, Tom Delay, Mark A Foley, Melissa A Hart, John D Hayworth Jr, Sue W Kelly, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, George William Gekas, John Ashcroft, Robert Douglas Franks, James E Rogan, Richard Alan White, George W Bush, Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, America's Majority Trust, America's Foundation, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Volunteer PAC, Freedom Project, Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Leadership PAC 2006, Care Political Action Committee, Trust PAC Team Republicans for Utilizing Sensible Tactics, Heartland Values PAC, Continuing a Majority Party Action Committee (Campac), Value in Electing Women Political Action Committee, Together for Our Majority Political Action Committee (Tompac), Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Bill Thomas, Scott P Brown, Kelly Ayotte, Marco Rubio, Jane Norton, Deb Fischer, Freedom Project
Shawn Smeallie Spencer Abraham, Rodney Alexander, Marsha Blackburn, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Mary Bono Mack, Jim Bunning, Shelley Moore Capito, Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Tom Davis, Elizabeth Hanford Dole, John Taylor Doolittle, Philip Sheridan English, John Ensign, Mike Enzi, Orrin Hatch, Peter T King, Mark Steven Kirk, Mel Martinez, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, John L Mica, Ralph Straus Regula, Thomas M Reynolds, Gordon Harold Smith, Olympia Snowe, John Thune, Fred Upton, James T Walsh, George Allen, Henry Bonilla, Conrad Burns, Lincoln Davenport Chafee, Tom Delay, Mark A Foley, Katherine Harris, John D Hayworth Jr, Sue W Kelly, Rick Santorum, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, John E Sweeney, Jim Talent, James Charles Greenwood, Felix J. Grucci, Jr., John Ashcroft, Barbara Comstock, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Ernest Istook, America's Majority Trust, America's Foundation, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Don Stenberg, Thomas H Kean Jr, Nancy A Naples, Freedom Project, Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee, Suzanne Haik Terrell, Keith S Fimian, Future Leaders Political Action Committee, Trust PAC Team Republicans for Utilizing Sensible Tactics, Heartland Values PAC, Sandy Treadwell, Value in Electing Women Political Action Committee, Together for Our Majority Political Action Committee (Tompac), Ernie Fletcher, Mitt Romney, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Scott P Brown, Pete Domenici V, Kelly Ayotte, Michael G Grimm, Marco Rubio, John Faso, Tom Reynolds, Romney Victory
Ed Rogers Spencer Abraham, Tommy G Thompson, Dennis Hastert, Wayne Allard, Spencer T Bachus III, Brian P Bilbray, Marsha Blackburn, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Jim Bunning, Eric Cantor, Shelley Moore Capito, Saxby Chambliss, Thomas Allen Coburn, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Larry Edwin Craig, Elizabeth Hanford Dole, Philip Sheridan English, Orrin Hatch, Robin Hayes, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Jim Inhofe, Bobby Jindal, Mark Steven Kirk, Mel Martinez, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, John L Mica, Jon C Porter, Thomas M Reynolds, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Gordon Harold Smith, John E Sununu, John Thune, Patrick Tiberi, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Tom Delay, Katherine Harris, Melissa A Hart, John D Hayworth Jr, Nancy Lee Johnson, Anne Meagher Northup, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, John Ashcroft, Robert Douglas Franks, Bill McCollum, William Victor Roth Jr, Barbara Comstock, George W Bush, Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, America's Majority Trust, America's Foundation, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Freedom Project, Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Leadership PAC 2006, Keith S Fimian, Future Leaders Political Action Committee, Washington State Republican Party, Help America's Leaders Political Action Committee (Halpac), Trust PAC Team Republicans for Utilizing Sensible Tactics, Victory Political Action Committee, Mitt Romney, Demaris H Miller, Bill Thomas, Scott P Brown, Pete Domenici V, Billy Tauzin III, Marco Rubio, Jane Norton, Romney Victory
Lanny Griffith Spencer Abraham, Tommy G Thompson, Dennis Hastert, Wayne Allard, Spencer T Bachus III, Brian P Bilbray, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Jim Bunning, Eric Cantor, Shelley Moore Capito, Saxby Chambliss, Thomas Allen Coburn, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Larry Edwin Craig, Tom Davis, Elizabeth Hanford Dole, Philip Sheridan English, John Ensign, Orrin Hatch, Robin Hayes, Jim Inhofe, Bobby Jindal, Mark Steven Kirk, Mel Martinez, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, John L Mica, Jon C Porter, Thomas M Reynolds, Gordon Harold Smith, Olympia Snowe, John E Sununu, John Thune, Patrick Tiberi, Fred Upton, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Tom Delay, Katherine Harris, Melissa A Hart, John D Hayworth Jr, Nancy Lee Johnson, Anne Meagher Northup, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, John Ashcroft, Robert Douglas Franks, Bill McCollum, William Victor Roth Jr, Barbara Comstock, George W Bush, Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, America's Majority Trust, America's Foundation, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Freedom Project, Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Leadership PAC 2006, Keith S Fimian, Future Leaders Political Action Committee, Washington State Republican Party, Help America's Leaders Political Action Committee (Halpac), Trust PAC Team Republicans for Utilizing Sensible Tactics, Victory Political Action Committee, Mitt Romney, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Bill Thomas, Scott P Brown, Pete Domenici V, Marco Rubio, Jane Norton, Freedom Project
Mark Isakowitz Spencer Abraham, Tommy G Thompson, Dennis Hastert, Brian P Bilbray, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Dave Camp, Eric Cantor, Shelley Moore Capito, Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Larry Edwin Craig, Randy Forbes, Orrin Hatch, Robin Hayes, Darrell Issa, Mark Steven Kirk, Connie Mack IV, Mel Martinez, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, James O McCrery III, Thomas M Reynolds, Mike Rogers, Gordon Harold Smith, Olympia Snowe, John E Sununu, John Thune, Patrick Tiberi, Fred Upton, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Tom Delay, Katherine Harris, Nancy Lee Johnson, Anne Meagher Northup, Rick Santorum, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, John E Sweeney, Jim Talent, George William Gekas, Felix J. Grucci, Jr., James E Rogan, William Victor Roth Jr, Barbara Comstock, George W Bush, Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, Illinois Republican Party, America's Majority Trust, America's Foundation, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Don Stenberg, Volunteer PAC, Thomas H Kean Jr, Freedom Project, Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Washington State Republican Party, Trust PAC Team Republicans for Utilizing Sensible Tactics, Heartland Values PAC, Continuing a Majority Party Action Committee (Campac), Alice Forgy Kerr, Value in Electing Women Political Action Committee, Mitt Romney, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Bill Thomas, Scott P Brown, Kelly Ayotte, Jane Norton, Michael Castle, Elise Stefanik, McConnell Victory Kentucky
Wayne L Berman Spencer Abraham, Tommy G Thompson, Dennis Hastert, Wayne Allard, Spencer T Bachus III, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Jim Bunning, Dave Camp, Eric Cantor, Shelley Moore Capito, Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Larry Edwin Craig, Elizabeth Hanford Dole, John Ensign, Orrin Hatch, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Jim Inhofe, Peter T King, Mark Steven Kirk, Mel Martinez, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Ralph Straus Regula, Thomas M Reynolds, Mike Rogers, Gordon Harold Smith, Olympia Snowe, John E Sununu, John Thune, Patrick Tiberi, George Allen, Henry Bonilla, Conrad Burns, Lincoln Davenport Chafee, Tom Delay, Mark A Foley, Melissa A Hart, Anne Meagher Northup, Rick Santorum, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, John E Sweeney, Jim Talent, Felix J. Grucci, Jr., John Ashcroft, Bill McCollum, William Victor Roth Jr, Barbara Comstock, George W Bush, Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, America's Majority Trust, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Volunteer PAC, Freedom Project, Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Leadership PAC 2006, Help America's Leaders Political Action Committee (Halpac), Trust PAC Team Republicans for Utilizing Sensible Tactics, Heartland Values PAC, Mitt Romney, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Scott P Brown, Kelly Ayotte, Marco Rubio, Michael Castle, Elise Stefanik, McConnell Victory Kentucky, Freedom Project
Robert L Livingston Tommy G Thompson, Dennis Hastert, Rodney Alexander, Spencer T Bachus III, Brian P Bilbray, Marsha Blackburn, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Jim Bunning, Ken Calvert, Dave Camp, Eric Cantor, Shelley Moore Capito, Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, John Cornyn, John Taylor Doolittle, Orrin Hatch, Jim Inhofe, Bobby Jindal, Peter T King, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, James O McCrery III, John L Mica, Ralph Straus Regula, Dana Rohrabacher, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, John E Sununu, John Thune, James T Walsh, George Allen, Henry Bonilla, Conrad Burns, Tom Delay, Melissa A Hart, Anne Meagher Northup, Rick Santorum, John E Sweeney, Bill McCollum, Richard Alan White, Barbara Comstock, George W Bush, Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, Ernest Istook, Volunteer PAC, Thomas H Kean Jr, Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee, Keith S Fimian, Future Leaders Political Action Committee, Help America's Leaders Political Action Committee (Halpac), Douglas R Forrester, Alice Forgy Kerr, Mitt Romney, Republican Party of Louisiana, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Kevin Vigilante, Carlos Roberto Ortiz, Dennis A. Ross, Kelly Ayotte, Jane Norton, Michael Castle, Dan Donovan, Elise Stefanik, Romney Victory
J Steven Hart Spencer Abraham, Wayne Allard, Marsha Blackburn, Roy Blunt, Mary Bono Mack, Jim Bunning, Eric Cantor, Shelley Moore Capito, Saxby Chambliss, Thomas Allen Coburn, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Larry Edwin Craig, Tom Davis, Elizabeth Hanford Dole, John Ensign, Mike Enzi, Orrin Hatch, Robin Hayes, Jim Inhofe, Mel Martinez, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, John L Mica, Tim Murphy, Jon C Porter, Ralph Straus Regula, Gordon Harold Smith, John E Sununu, John Thune, Patrick Tiberi, Fred Upton, Don Young, George Allen, Henry Bonilla, Conrad Burns, Lincoln Davenport Chafee, Tom Delay, Mark A Foley, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, John Ashcroft, Bill McCollum, Barbara Comstock, George W Bush, Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, Ernest Istook, America's Foundation, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Don Stenberg, Volunteer PAC, Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Leadership PAC 2006, Help America's Leaders Political Action Committee (Halpac), Heartland Values PAC, Oklahoma Leadership Council, Continuing a Majority Party Action Committee (Campac), Value in Electing Women Political Action Committee, Mitt Romney, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Kelly Ayotte, Marco Rubio, Jane Norton, Romney Victory
Bryce L Harlow Spencer Abraham, Wayne Allard, Spencer T Bachus III, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Mary Bono Mack, Jim Bunning, Steve Buyer, Saxby Chambliss, Thomas Allen Coburn, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Larry Edwin Craig, Tom Davis, Elizabeth Hanford Dole, Philip Sheridan English, John Ensign, Mike Enzi, Orrin Hatch, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Jim Inhofe, Mark Steven Kirk, Mel Martinez, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, James O McCrery III, John L Mica, George P Radanovich, Gordon Harold Smith, Olympia Snowe, John E Sununu, John Thune, Fred Upton, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Lincoln Davenport Chafee, Tom Delay, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, John Ashcroft, Robert Douglas Franks, Bill McCollum, William Victor Roth Jr, Richard Alan White, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Ernest Istook, America's Majority Trust, Friends of Phil Gramm PAC, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Volunteer PAC, Keith S Fimian, Mitt Romney, Steve Stockman, Demaris H Miller, Scott P Brown, Jason Chaffetz, Pete Domenici V, Kelly Ayotte, Jane Norton, Michael Castle, Tom Reynolds, Romney Victory, National Republican Congressional Cmte, Freedom Project
Gary Andres Spencer Abraham, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Mary Bono Mack, Jim Bunning, Dave Camp, Eric Cantor, Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Barbara L Cubin, Tom Davis, John Ensign, Orrin Hatch, Robin Hayes, Connie Mack IV, Mel Martinez, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, James O McCrery III, Deborah D Pryce, Thomas M Reynolds, Mike Rogers, Gordon Harold Smith, Olympia Snowe, John E Sununu, John Thune, Patrick Tiberi, Fred Upton, James T Walsh, Don Young, George Allen, Henry Bonilla, Tom Delay, Mark A Foley, John D Hayworth Jr, Nancy Lee Johnson, Anne Meagher Northup, Rick Santorum, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, John E Sweeney, James E Rogan, Jay Dickey, George W Bush, Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, America's Majority Trust, America's Foundation, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Volunteer PAC, Freedom Project, Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Leadership PAC 2006, Trust PAC Team Republicans for Utilizing Sensible Tactics, Continuing a Majority Party Action Committee (Campac), Value in Electing Women Political Action Committee, Together for Our Majority Political Action Committee (Tompac), Ernie Fletcher, Mitt Romney, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Kelly Ayotte, Jane Norton, Michael Castle
Susan Hirschmann Spencer T Bachus III, Marsha Blackburn, Roy Blunt, Mary Bono Mack, Ginny Brown-Waite, Dave Camp, Eric Cantor, Shelley Moore Capito, Thomas Allen Coburn, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, Barbara L Cubin, John Taylor Doolittle, John Ensign, Robin Hayes, Jim Inhofe, Connie Mack IV, Mel Martinez, John L Mica, Jon C Porter, Deborah D Pryce, Ralph Straus Regula, Thomas M Reynolds, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Gordon Harold Smith, John E Sununu, John Thune, Patrick Tiberi, Fred Upton, George Allen, Tom Delay, Mark A Foley, Katherine Harris, Sue W Kelly, Anne Meagher Northup, Rick Santorum, Don Sherwood, Barbara Comstock, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, America's Foundation, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Thomas H Kean Jr, Nancy A Naples, Freedom Project, Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Leadership PAC 2006, Help America's Leaders Political Action Committee (Halpac), Trust PAC Team Republicans for Utilizing Sensible Tactics, Continuing a Majority Party Action Committee (Campac), Helping Advance the Republican Team PAC, Value in Electing Women Political Action Committee, Together for Our Majority Political Action Committee (Tompac), Mitt Romney, Irl PAC, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Ethan Hastert, Jason Chaffetz, Dennis A. Ross, Kelly Ayotte, Marco Rubio, Jane Norton, Deb Fischer, Elise Stefanik
Daniel Mattoon Spencer Abraham, Dennis Hastert, Wayne Allard, Spencer T Bachus III, Marsha Blackburn, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Mary Bono Mack, Steve Buyer, Ken Calvert, Dave Camp, Eric Cantor, Shelley Moore Capito, Saxby Chambliss, John Cornyn, Tom Davis, Elizabeth Hanford Dole, John Taylor Doolittle, Philip Sheridan English, Randy Forbes, Robin Hayes, Jim Inhofe, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, James O McCrery III, John L Mica, Deborah D Pryce, George P Radanovich, Thomas M Reynolds, Mike Rogers, John E Sununu, John Thune, Fred Upton, James T Walsh, Don Young, George Allen, Tom Delay, Nancy Lee Johnson, Rick Santorum, John E Sweeney, George W Bush, Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Freedom Project, Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Future Leaders Political Action Committee, Trust PAC Team Republicans for Utilizing Sensible Tactics, Heartland Values PAC, George T Hudson, Continuing a Majority Party Action Committee (Campac), Alice Forgy Kerr, Carolyn W Grant, Together for Our Majority Political Action Committee (Tompac), Ernie Fletcher, Mitt Romney, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Ethan Hastert, Kelly Ayotte, Michael Castle, Deb Fischer
Duane R Roberts Spencer Abraham, Tommy G Thompson, Wayne Allard, Brian P Bilbray, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Mary Bono Mack, Ginny Brown-Waite, Jim Bunning, Ken Calvert, Shelley Moore Capito, Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Larry Edwin Craig, Elizabeth Hanford Dole, John Ensign, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Jim Inhofe, Darrell Issa, Mark Steven Kirk, Mel Martinez, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Jon C Porter, Dana Rohrabacher, Gordon Harold Smith, Olympia Snowe, John E Sununu, John Thune, Don Young, George Allen, Conrad Burns, John D Hayworth Jr, Anne Meagher Northup, Rick Santorum, Eugene Clay Shaw Jr, Jim Talent, George William Gekas, John Ashcroft, Robert Douglas Franks, Bill McCollum, James E Rogan, William Victor Roth Jr, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Brose A McVey, Don Stenberg, Thomas H Kean Jr, Suzanne Haik Terrell, Washington State Republican Party, Elia Pirozzi, Oklahoma Leadership Council, Mitt Romney, Scott P Brown, Pete Smith, Billy Tauzin III, Kelly Ayotte, Marco Rubio, Romney Victory, McConnell Victory Kentucky, National Republican Congressional Cmte
Mark Valente III Spencer Abraham, Rodney Alexander, Brian P Bilbray, Marsha Blackburn, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Vernon G Buchanan, Dave Camp, Shelley Moore Capito, Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, Tom Davis, Robin Hayes, Darrell Issa, Mark Steven Kirk, Mel Martinez, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, John L Mica, Tim Murphy, Ralph Straus Regula, Mike Rogers, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, John E Sununu, John Thune, Patrick Tiberi, Fred Upton, George Allen, Tom Delay, Katherine Harris, Nancy Lee Johnson, James Thomas Kolbe, Rick Santorum, Felix J. Grucci, Jr., Daniel Miller, Constance A Morella, James E Rogan, William Victor Roth Jr, Jay Dickey, Barbara Comstock, George W Bush, Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Ernest Istook, America's Foundation, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Freedom Project, Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Solutions America PAC, Leadership PAC 2006, Care Political Action Committee, Help America's Leaders Political Action Committee (Halpac), Trust PAC Team Republicans for Utilizing Sensible Tactics, Continuing a Majority Party Action Committee (Campac), Value in Electing Women Political Action Committee, Ernie Fletcher, Mitt Romney, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Michael Castle, McConnell Victory Kentucky, National Republican Congressional Cmte, Freedom Project
Robert J Dotchin Tommy G Thompson, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Mary Bono Mack, Jim Bunning, Steve Buyer, Dave Camp, Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Barbara L Cubin, Elizabeth Hanford Dole, John Ensign, Orrin Hatch, Darrell Issa, Peter T King, Mark Steven Kirk, Mel Martinez, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Jon C Porter, Mike Rogers, Gordon Harold Smith, Olympia Snowe, John E Sununu, John Thune, Patrick Tiberi, Fred Upton, George Allen, Henry Bonilla, Conrad Burns, Tom Delay, John D Hayworth Jr, Nancy Lee Johnson, Sue W Kelly, Rick Santorum, John E Sweeney, Jim Talent, James Charles Greenwood, Felix J. Grucci, Jr., William Victor Roth Jr, George W Bush, Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, Volunteer PAC, Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Help America's Leaders Political Action Committee (Halpac), Trust PAC Team Republicans for Utilizing Sensible Tactics, Heartland Values PAC, Mitt Romney, Scott P Brown, Pete Domenici V, Billy Tauzin III, Kelly Ayotte, Michael Castle, TFP-FOJB Cmte, National Republican Congressional Cmte, Freedom Project
Jeffrey M Mackinnon Dennis Hastert, Brian P Bilbray, Marsha Blackburn, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Mary Bono Mack, Steve Buyer, Dave Camp, Eric Cantor, Saxby Chambliss, Thomas Allen Coburn, Norm Coleman, John Cornyn, Larry Edwin Craig, Barbara L Cubin, Mike Enzi, Darrell Issa, Connie Mack IV, Mel Martinez, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Charles W Norwood Jr, George P Radanovich, Thomas M Reynolds, Mike Rogers, Olympia Snowe, John E Sununu, John Thune, Patrick Tiberi, Fred Upton, Don Young, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Tom Delay, John D Hayworth Jr, Nancy Lee Johnson, Rick Santorum, James Charles Greenwood, James E Rogan, George W Bush, Committee for the Preservation of Capitalism (Cpc), the, National Republican Senatorial Committee, Rudy Giuliani, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, America's Foundation, Promoting Republicans You Can Elect Political Action Committee, Freedom Project, Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Leadership PAC 2006, Help America's Leaders Political Action Committee (Halpac), Trust PAC Team Republicans for Utilizing Sensible Tactics, Heartland Values PAC, Continuing a Majority Party Action Committee (Campac), Value in Electing Women Political Action Committee, Mitt Romney, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Dennis A. Ross, Michael Castle, Deb Fischer, Elise Stefanik
Charles R. Black Spencer Abraham, Tommy G Thompson, Roy Blunt, Mary Bono Mack, Jim Bunning, Eric Cantor, Saxby Chambliss, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Tom Davis, John Ensign, Orrin Hatch, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Jim Inhofe, Mark Steven Kirk, Connie Mack IV, Mel Martinez, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, John L Mica, Ralph Straus Regula, Gordon Harold Smith, Olympia Snowe, John E Sununu, John Thune, Fred Upton, Don Young, George Allen, Conrad Burns, Lincoln Davenport Chafee, Tom Delay, Katherine Harris, Rick Santorum, Jim Talent, John Ashcroft, Bill McCollum, William Victor Roth Jr, Barbara Comstock, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, America's Majority Trust, America's Foundation, Don Stenberg, Volunteer PAC, Thomas H Kean Jr, Care Political Action Committee, Washington State Republican Party, Trust PAC Team Republicans for Utilizing Sensible Tactics, Value in Electing Women Political Action Committee, Mitt Romney, Demaris H Miller, Bill Thomas, Scott P Brown, Kelly Ayotte, Marco Rubio, Jane Norton, Michael Castle, Elise Stefanik, Romney Victory
Kenneth M Duberstein Spencer Abraham, Tommy G Thompson, Dennis Hastert, Wayne Allard, Roy Blunt, Dave Camp, Eric Cantor, Shelley Moore Capito, Norm Coleman, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Tom Davis, Elizabeth Hanford Dole, John Ensign, Mike Enzi, Orrin Hatch, Robin Hayes, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Jim Inhofe, Mark Steven Kirk, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Jon C Porter, Ralph Straus Regula, Mike Rogers, Dana Rohrabacher, Gordon Harold Smith, Olympia Snowe, John E Sununu, John Thune, Fred Upton, George Allen, Henry Bonilla, Conrad Burns, Tom Delay, Nancy Lee Johnson, James Thomas Kolbe, Rick Santorum, Don Sherwood, Jim Talent, Constance A Morella, John Ashcroft, Bill McCollum, William Victor Roth Jr, George W Bush, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Keep Our Mission PAC, Ernest Istook, America's Majority Trust, Don Stenberg, Americans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee, Care Political Action Committee, Trust PAC Team Republicans for Utilizing Sensible Tactics, Sandy Treadwell, Mitt Romney, Every Republican is Crucial PAC, Kelly Ayotte, Marco Rubio, Michael Castle, Elise Stefanik