Ambassador, South Africa
People in Common Orgs
People with positions in the same orgs as Patrick Gaspard
PersonCommon Orgs
Daniel K Tarullo US Department of State, White House Office, Obama-Biden Transition Project, Center for American Progress
Carol Browner White House Office, Obama-Biden Transition Project, Center for American Progress
Susan Rice US Department of State, Obama for America, Obama-Biden Transition Project
Robert Gibbs White House Office, Obama for America, Obama-Biden Transition Project
Chris Lu White House Office, Obama for America, Obama-Biden Transition Project
Valerie Jarrett White House Office, Obama for America, Obama-Biden Transition Project
Cassandra Butts White House Office, Obama-Biden Transition Project, Center for American Progress
Donald Gips White House Office, Obama for America, Obama-Biden Transition Project
Sasha Post SEIU, Center for American Progress, Open Society Foundations
Ron Bloom SEIU, White House Office, Center for American Progress
Clyde Williams White House Office, Democratic National Committee, Center for American Progress
Jim Messina White House Office, Obama for America, Obama-Biden Transition Project
John Podesta White House Office, Obama-Biden Transition Project, Center for American Progress
Stephanie Cutter White House Office, Obama for America, Obama-Biden Transition Project
Melody Barnes White House Office, Obama-Biden Transition Project, Center for American Progress
Cheryl Mills US Department of State, White House Office, Center for American Progress
Brad Kiley White House Office, Obama-Biden Transition Project, Center for American Progress
Greg Craig US Department of State, White House Office, Obama for America
Robert Boorstin US Department of State, White House Office, Center for American Progress
Bob Bauer White House Office, Democratic National Committee, Obama for America