Senior advisor for The Robertson Foundation; former secretary to Henry Kissinger
People in Common Orgs
People with positions in the same orgs as Gregori Lebedev
PersonCommon Orgs
Thomas J Donohue Sr U.S. Chamber of Commerce, American Trucking Associations, National Chamber Foundation, Center for International Private Enterprise
H P Goldfield White House Office, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, National Chamber Foundation
Stanton Anderson US Department of State, White House Office, Center for International Private Enterprise
Daniel K Tarullo US Department of State, White House Office
David E Kepler U.S. Chamber of Commerce, American Chemistry Council
Robert Boorstin US Department of State, White House Office
Peter Bass US Department of State, White House Office
Cheryl Mills US Department of State, White House Office
Alfred Moses US Department of State, White House Office
William G Little U.S. Chamber of Commerce, National Chamber Foundation
Harry C Alford US Department of State, U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Heather Wingate White House Office, U.S. Chamber of Commerce
JT Taylor U.S. Chamber of Commerce, National Chamber Foundation
Robert C. McFarlane US Department of State, Henry A Kissinger
Thomas J Collamore U.S. Chamber of Commerce, National Chamber Foundation
Norman L Eisen US Department of State, White House Office
Condoleezza Rice US Department of State, White House Office
Andrea Thompson US Department of State, White House Office
Stan M Harrell U.S. Chamber of Commerce, American Trucking Associations
Al From White House Office, National Chamber Foundation