first female president of AIPAC (2002-2004)
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Amy Rothschild Friedkin also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Roselyne Chroman Swig Joel Hyatt, Victor H Fazio, Bob Kerrey, David Perdue, Dennis Hastert, Wayne Allard, Evan Bayh, Shelley Berkley, Howard Lawrence Berman, Joe Biden, Jeff Bingaman, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, John Boozman, Barbara Boxer, Danny Lee Burton, Eric Cantor, Maria Cantwell, Lois Capps, Ben Cardin, Dennis A Cardoza, Tom Carper, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, Bob Corker, Mike Crapo, Artur Davis, Susan A Davis, Chris Dodd, Byron Dorgan, Dick Durbin, Brad Ellsworth, Eliot Engel, Russ Feingold, Dianne Feinstein, Kirsten Gillibrand, Lindsey Graham, Kay Granger, Raymond Eugene Green, Tom Harkin, Jane Harman, Alcee Lamar Hastings, Walter William Herger, Mazie Hirono, Mike Honda, Steny Hoyer, Jim Inhofe, Daniel Ken Inouye, Tim Johnson, Ted Kennedy, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Mark Steven Kirk, Amy Klobuchar, Mary Landrieu, Thomas Peter Lantos, Rick Larsen, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Barbara Lee, Carl Levin, Joe Lieberman, John Elmer Linder, Nita M Lowey, John McCain, Kevin McCarthy, Claire McCaskill, Mitch McConnell, Jerry McNerney, Bob Menendez, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Jerry Moran, Patty Murray, John Patrick Murtha Jr, Bill Nelson, Ben Nelson, Barack Obama, David Obey, Nancy Pelosi, Mark Pryor, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Silvestre Reyes, Hal Rogers, Mike Rogers, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Paul Ryan, Chuck Schumer, Jeff Sessions, Brad Sherman, Louise McIntosh Slaughter, Adam Smith, Gordon Harold Smith, Arlen Specter, Debbie Stabenow, Ellen O'Kane Tauscher, Mike Thompson, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Sheldon Whitehouse, Roger Wicker, Frank Rudolph Wolf, Lynn C Woolsey, Ron Wyden, Conrad Burns, Mike DeWine, James Thomas Kolbe, Rob Portman, Paul Sarbanes, Ben Nighthorse Campbell, Brad Carson, Tom Daschle, Calvin M Dooley, Martin Frost, Dick Gephardt, Don Nickles, Jean Carnahan, Joseph Maxwell Cleland, Samuel Gejdenson, Charles Spittal Robb, Ron Dellums, John Glenn, Lee Herbert Hamilton, Samuel G Coppersmith, Eric D Fingerhut, George John Mitchell, Harris Wofford, Brockman Adams, Wyche Fowler Jr, Al Gore, Douglas Wayne Owens, Mel Levine, Bill Clinton, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Tim Hutchinson, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Carol Moseley Braun, Bob Graham, PAC to the Future, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Ember Reichgott Junge, Inez Moore Tenenbaum, PAC for a Change, Democratic State Central Committee of CA - Federal, California Victory 2000, Jackie Speier, Effective Government Committee, Al Franken, Andrew S Hochberg, National PAC Inc A/K/A Natpac, Mark Begich, Jeff Merkley, Katrina Swett, Gary Peters, Marcia Fudge, Ed Bernstein, Jeanne Shaheen, Mark Warner, Chris John, Friends of Israel Political Action Committee - Fipac, Michael Bennet, Max Baucus, Jon Kyl, John Garamendi, Patricia Garamendi, Mel Reynolds, Alexander Giannoulias, Zoe Lofgren, Katie Hirning, Jennifer Laszlo, Charles Wilson, Barbara Shipnuck, Trey Grayson, Cory Booker, John Brad Ashford, Jay Rockefeller, World Alliance for Israel Political Action Committee, Jon Tester, Ted Deutch, Richard Blumenthal, James Lankford, Mike Lee, Steven Palazzo, Tim Scott, Kamala Harris, Martha Coakley, Jackie Walorski, Michelle Nunn, Brad Schneider, Kyrsten Sinema, Heidi Heitkamp, Raul Ruiz, Blanche L Lincoln, Kent Conrad, Marc Veasey, Brian Schatz, Mike Bishop, Ben Sasse, Ryan-NRCC Victory Cmte, Hillary Victory Fund, Kamala Harris Victory Fund, Joni Ernst, Ro Khanna
Bernice Manocherian Joel Hyatt, Bob Kerrey, Dennis Hastert, Robert Ernest Andrews, John Barrow, Evan Bayh, Shelley Berkley, Joe Biden, Jeff Bingaman, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Barbara Boxer, Sherrod Brown, Danny Lee Burton, Eric Cantor, Maria Cantwell, Ben Cardin, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, Norm Coleman, Mike Crapo, Joe Crowley, Chris Dodd, Byron Dorgan, Dick Durbin, Rahm Emanuel, Eliot Engel, Russ Feingold, Dianne Feinstein, Kirsten Gillibrand, Lindsey Graham, Kay Granger, Tom Harkin, Jane Harman, Baron P Hill, Mazie Hirono, Steny Hoyer, Daniel Ken Inouye, Steve Israel, Tim Johnson, Ted Kennedy, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Mark Steven Kirk, Mary Landrieu, Thomas Peter Lantos, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, Sander Martin Levin, John R Lewis, Joe Lieberman, Nita M Lowey, Doris Okada Matsui, John McCain, Claire McCaskill, Mitch McConnell, Bob Menendez, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Patty Murray, John Patrick Murtha Jr, Bill Nelson, Barack Obama, David Obey, Nancy Pelosi, Mark Pryor, Charles Rangel, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Silvestre Reyes, Ken Salazar, Chuck Schumer, Jeff Sessions, Louise McIntosh Slaughter, Adam Smith, Gordon Harold Smith, Arlen Specter, Debbie Stabenow, John Thune, Tom Udall, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Ron Wyden, Conrad Burns, Paul Sarbanes, Brad Carson, Tom Daschle, John Edwards, Martin Frost, Dick Gephardt, Don Nickles, Jean Carnahan, Joseph Maxwell Cleland, Robert Guy Torricelli, Paul Wellstone, Samuel Gejdenson, Charles Spittal Robb, John Glenn, Susan Molinari, Gregory H Laughlin, Eric D Fingerhut, George John Mitchell, James Ralph Sasser, Harris Wofford, Brockman Adams, Wyche Fowler Jr, Al Gore, Douglas Wayne Owens, Rick Lazio, Mel Levine, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Carol Moseley Braun, Bob Graham, Ember Reichgott Junge, DCCC-E Non-Federal Account 5, Al Franken, Andrew S Hochberg, National PAC Inc A/K/A Natpac, Jeff Merkley, Marcia Fudge, DANPAC, Jeanne Shaheen, Mark Warner, Franken Recount Fund, Jim Maloney, Mel Reynolds, Joint Action Committee for Political Affairs, Richard H Stallings, National Action Committee (Nacpac), NORPAC, Trey Grayson, Cory Booker, Ted Stevens, Jay Rockefeller, Jon Tester, Richard Blumenthal, Michelle Nunn, Brad Schneider, Heidi Heitkamp, Raul Ruiz, Ruben Kihuen, Blanche L Lincoln, Kent Conrad, Hillary Victory Fund
Tony Podesta Joel Hyatt, Victor H Fazio, Bob Kerrey, Dennis Hastert, Robert Ernest Andrews, John Barrow, Evan Bayh, Shelley Berkley, Howard Lawrence Berman, Jeff Bingaman, Barbara Boxer, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Lois Capps, Ben Cardin, Dennis A Cardoza, Tom Carper, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, Joe Crowley, Chris Dodd, Pete Domenici, Byron Dorgan, Dick Durbin, Brad Ellsworth, Rahm Emanuel, Eliot Engel, Russ Feingold, Dianne Feinstein, Gabby Giffords, Kirsten Gillibrand, Tom Harkin, Jane Harman, Mazie Hirono, Steny Hoyer, Daniel Ken Inouye, Steve Israel, Tim Johnson, Ted Kennedy, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Amy Klobuchar, Mary Landrieu, Thomas Peter Lantos, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, Sander Martin Levin, John R Lewis, Joe Lieberman, Nita M Lowey, Ed Markey, Doris Okada Matsui, Claire McCaskill, Bob Menendez, Barbara Ann Mikulski, George Miller, Patty Murray, John Patrick Murtha Jr, Bill Nelson, Ben Nelson, Nancy Pelosi, Mark Pryor, Charles Rangel, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Ken Salazar, Chuck Schumer, Brad Sherman, Louise McIntosh Slaughter, Adam Smith, Arlen Specter, Debbie Stabenow, Ellen O'Kane Tauscher, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Henry Waxman, Sheldon Whitehouse, Lynn C Woolsey, Ron Wyden, Conrad Burns, Paul Sarbanes, John Breaux, Brad Carson, Tom Daschle, Dick Gephardt, Ernest Frederick Hollings, Jean Carnahan, Joseph Maxwell Cleland, Fred Dalton Thompson, Robert Guy Torricelli, Paul Wellstone, Richard H Bryan, Samuel Gejdenson, Bill McCollum, James Ralph Sasser, Richard Swett, Alan Dupree Wheat, Al Gore, Rick Lazio, Mel Levine, Bill Clinton, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Carol Moseley Braun, New Millennium PAC, PAC to the Future, Kay R Hagan, Pennsylvania Democratic Party, Inez Moore Tenenbaum, PAC for a Change, Jackie Speier, Al Franken, Mark Begich, Jeff Merkley, Gary Peters, DANPAC, Martin Heinrich, Jeanne Shaheen, Mark Warner, Chris John, Franken Recount Fund, Michael Bennet, Max Baucus, John Garamendi, Jim Maloney, Zoe Lofgren, Jay Rockefeller, Chris Coons, Richard Blumenthal, Kamala Harris, Martha Coakley, Michelle Nunn, Brad Schneider, Ron Barber, Heidi Heitkamp, Blanche L Lincoln, Kent Conrad, Brian Schatz, Hillary Victory Fund
Ada Horwich Bob Kerrey, Robert Ernest Andrews, Evan Bayh, Shelley Berkley, Howard Lawrence Berman, Joe Biden, Jeff Bingaman, Roy Blunt, Barbara Boxer, Eric Cantor, Maria Cantwell, Lois Capps, Ben Cardin, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, Mike Crapo, Joe Crowley, Artur Davis, Susan A Davis, Chris Dodd, Byron Dorgan, Dick Durbin, Brad Ellsworth, Eliot Engel, Russ Feingold, Dianne Feinstein, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kay Granger, Raymond Eugene Green, Jane Harman, Alcee Lamar Hastings, Mazie Hirono, Steny Hoyer, Daniel Ken Inouye, Tim Johnson, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Mark Steven Kirk, Mary Landrieu, Thomas Peter Lantos, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, John R Lewis, Joe Lieberman, Nita M Lowey, Doris Okada Matsui, John McCain, Claire McCaskill, Mitch McConnell, Bob Menendez, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Patty Murray, Bill Nelson, Ben Nelson, Barack Obama, David Obey, Nancy Pelosi, Mark Pryor, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Hal Rogers, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Paul Ryan, Ken Salazar, Chuck Schumer, Allyson Y Schwartz, Jeff Sessions, Brad Sherman, Adam Smith, Gordon Harold Smith, Arlen Specter, Debbie Stabenow, Ellen O'Kane Tauscher, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Henry Waxman, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ron Wyden, Mike DeWine, Tom Daschle, Calvin M Dooley, Martin Frost, Dick Gephardt, Jean Carnahan, Joseph Maxwell Cleland, Robert Guy Torricelli, Paul Wellstone, Charles Spittal Robb, Al Gore, Mel Levine, Bill Clinton, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Carol Moseley Braun, Bob Graham, Ember Reichgott Junge, Kay R Hagan, Inez Moore Tenenbaum, Jon Paul Jennings, Ohio Democratic Party, Effective Government Committee, Richard J Phelps, Al Franken, National PAC Inc A/K/A Natpac, Jeff Merkley, Katrina Swett, Gary Peters, Marcia Fudge, Committee for Change, DANPAC, Ed Bernstein, Mark Warner, Kenneth A Toltz, Michael Bennet, Max Baucus, Jon Kyl, Joint Action Committee for Political Affairs, Alexander Giannoulias, Matthew G Martinez, National Action Committee (Nacpac), Trey Grayson, Ted Stevens, Jay Rockefeller, World Alliance for Israel Political Action Committee, Jon Tester, Ted Deutch, Mike Lee, Brad Schneider, Julia Brownley, Eric Swalwell, Blanche L Lincoln, Kent Conrad, Brian Schatz, Ryan-NRCC Victory Cmte, Hillary Victory Fund
Melvin A Dow Joel Hyatt, Victor H Fazio, Bob Kerrey, Dennis Hastert, Wayne Allard, Evan Bayh, Shelley Berkley, Howard Lawrence Berman, Joe Biden, Jeff Bingaman, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Barbara Boxer, Sherrod Brown, Danny Lee Burton, Eric Cantor, Maria Cantwell, Lois Capps, Ben Cardin, Jim Clyburn, Norm Coleman, Mike Crapo, Joe Crowley, Chris Dodd, Byron Dorgan, Brad Ellsworth, Rahm Emanuel, Eliot Engel, Russ Feingold, Dianne Feinstein, Lindsey Graham, Raymond Eugene Green, Tom Harkin, Jane Harman, Steny Hoyer, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Jim Inhofe, Daniel Ken Inouye, Hank Johnson, Tim Johnson, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Mark Steven Kirk, Mary Landrieu, Thomas Peter Lantos, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, Sander Martin Levin, Joe Lieberman, Nita M Lowey, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Bob Menendez, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Patty Murray, John Patrick Murtha Jr, Bill Nelson, David Obey, Nancy Pelosi, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Silvestre Reyes, Hal Rogers, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Chuck Schumer, Jeff Sessions, Adam Smith, Gordon Harold Smith, Arlen Specter, Mark Udall, Sheldon Whitehouse, Roger Wicker, Heather Wilson, Frank Rudolph Wolf, Ron Wyden, Conrad Burns, Mike DeWine, William H Frist, James Thomas Kolbe, Paul Sarbanes, Jim Talent, John Breaux, Ben Nighthorse Campbell, Brad Carson, Tom Daschle, Martin Frost, Dick Gephardt, Ernest Frederick Hollings, Don Nickles, Jean Carnahan, Joseph Maxwell Cleland, Paul Wellstone, Richard H Bryan, Samuel Gejdenson, Slade Gorton, Rod Grams, Charles Spittal Robb, Henry Scott Baesler, Newt Gingrich, Gregory H Laughlin, Samuel G Coppersmith, James Ralph Sasser, Harris Wofford, Rick Lazio, Bill Clinton, Tim Hutchinson, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Carol Moseley Braun, Bob Graham, New Millennium PAC, Ember Reichgott Junge, Freedom Works PAC, Committee for a Progressive Congress Inc, Jon Paul Jennings, Richard J Phelps, Andrew S Hochberg, National PAC Inc A/K/A Natpac, Jeff Merkley, Katrina Swett, DANPAC, Max Baucus, Jon Kyl, Jim Maloney, National Action Committee (Nacpac), Charles Wilson, Ted Stevens, Jay Rockefeller, Chris Coons, Ted Cruz, Heidi Heitkamp, Eric Swalwell, Blanche L Lincoln
Norm Brownstein Joel Hyatt, Bob Kerrey, Evan Bayh, Shelley Berkley, Howard Lawrence Berman, Joe Biden, Jeff Bingaman, Barbara Boxer, Sherrod Brown, Eric Cantor, Maria Cantwell, Ben Cardin, Tom Carper, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Norm Coleman, Bob Corker, Mike Crapo, Diana Degette, Chris Dodd, Byron Dorgan, Dick Durbin, Russ Feingold, Dianne Feinstein, Kirsten Gillibrand, Lindsey Graham, Tom Harkin, Jane Harman, Steny Hoyer, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Daniel Ken Inouye, Tim Johnson, Ted Kennedy, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Mark Steven Kirk, Amy Klobuchar, Mary Landrieu, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, Sander Martin Levin, Joe Lieberman, Nita M Lowey, Ed Markey, John McCain, Claire McCaskill, Mitch McConnell, Bob Menendez, Patty Murray, Bill Nelson, Ben Nelson, Nancy Pelosi, Mark Pryor, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Ken Salazar, Chuck Schumer, Arlen Specter, Debbie Stabenow, John Thune, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Henry Waxman, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ron Wyden, Conrad Burns, Mike DeWine, William H Frist, James Thomas Kolbe, Rob Portman, Paul Sarbanes, Jim Talent, John Breaux, Ben Nighthorse Campbell, Tom Daschle, Martin Frost, Ernest Frederick Hollings, Don Nickles, Joseph Maxwell Cleland, Robert Guy Torricelli, Slade Gorton, Charles Spittal Robb, Al D’Amato, William S Cohen, Gregory H Laughlin, James Ralph Sasser, Richard Swett, Harris Wofford, Wyche Fowler Jr, Al Gore, Mel Levine, Bill Clinton, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Carol Moseley Braun, Benjamin A Gilman, PAC to the Future, Kay R Hagan, Eric Peter Serna, Effective Government Committee, Al Franken, National PAC Inc A/K/A Natpac, Mark Begich, Frank Murkowski, Martin Heinrich, Jeanne Shaheen, Mark Warner, Kenneth A Toltz, Michael Bennet, Max Baucus, Jon Kyl, Charles Wilson, Trey Grayson, Cory Booker, John Brad Ashford, Jay Rockefeller, Jon Tester, Chris Coons, Kelly Ayotte, Richard Blumenthal, Mike Lee, Tim Scott, Martha Coakley, Brad Schneider, Heidi Heitkamp, Blanche L Lincoln, Kent Conrad, Brian Schatz, Ben Sasse, Hillary Victory Fund
Larry Weinberg Bob Kerrey, Robert Ernest Andrews, Evan Bayh, Shelley Berkley, Howard Lawrence Berman, Joe Biden, Jeff Bingaman, Kit Bond, Barbara Boxer, Eric Cantor, Maria Cantwell, Ben Cardin, Bob Casey, Jim Clyburn, Mike Crapo, Elijah Cummings, Chris Dodd, Byron Dorgan, Dick Durbin, Brad Ellsworth, Rahm Emanuel, Eliot Engel, Russ Feingold, Dianne Feinstein, Kirsten Gillibrand, Raymond Eugene Green, Tom Harkin, Jane Harman, Steny Hoyer, Daniel Ken Inouye, Hank Johnson, Tim Johnson, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Mark Steven Kirk, Mary Landrieu, Thomas Peter Lantos, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, Sander Martin Levin, Joe Lieberman, Nita M Lowey, Doris Okada Matsui, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Bob Menendez, Patty Murray, John Patrick Murtha Jr, Barack Obama, David Obey, Nancy Pelosi, Mark Pryor, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Hal Rogers, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Paul Ryan, Chuck Schumer, Allyson Y Schwartz, Brad Sherman, Gordon Harold Smith, Arlen Specter, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Henry Waxman, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ron Wyden, William H Frist, James Thomas Kolbe, Ben Nighthorse Campbell, Tom Daschle, Martin Frost, Dick Gephardt, Ernest Frederick Hollings, Fred Dalton Thompson, Robert Guy Torricelli, Slade Gorton, Charles Spittal Robb, Al D’Amato, Newt Gingrich, John Glenn, Lee Herbert Hamilton, William S Cohen, George John Mitchell, James Ralph Sasser, Alan Dupree Wheat, Harris Wofford, Al Gore, Rick Lazio, Mel Levine, Bill Clinton, Bob Graham, Benjamin A Gilman, Ember Reichgott Junge, Jon Paul Jennings, DCCC-E Non-Federal Account 5, Effective Government Committee, Mark Begich, Jeff Merkley, Katrina Swett, Marcia Fudge, DANPAC, Jeanne Shaheen, Mark Warner, Chris John, Kenneth A Toltz, Max Baucus, Tom Bruggere, Charles Wilson, Trey Grayson, Ted Stevens, John Brad Ashford, World Alliance for Israel Political Action Committee, Jon Tester, Ted Deutch, Mike Lee, Martha Coakley, Ted Cruz, Julia Brownley, Kyrsten Sinema, Eric Swalwell, Kent Conrad, Ben Sasse, Ryan-NRCC Victory Cmte
Daniel C Tate Jr Victor H Fazio, Dennis Hastert, Robert Ernest Andrews, John Barrow, Evan Bayh, Howard Lawrence Berman, Joe Biden, Jeff Bingaman, Kit Bond, Barbara Boxer, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Ben Cardin, Tom Carper, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, Robert E Cramer Jr, Artur Davis, Chris Dodd, Byron Dorgan, Dick Durbin, Brad Ellsworth, Rahm Emanuel, Dianne Feinstein, Gabby Giffords, Tom Harkin, Jane Harman, Baron P Hill, Mike Honda, Steny Hoyer, Daniel Ken Inouye, Tim Johnson, Ted Kennedy, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Mary Landrieu, Thomas Peter Lantos, Rick Larsen, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, John R Lewis, Joe Lieberman, Ed Markey, Doris Okada Matsui, Claire McCaskill, Jerry McNerney, Bob Menendez, Barbara Ann Mikulski, George Miller, Patty Murray, John Patrick Murtha Jr, Bill Nelson, Ben Nelson, David Obey, Nancy Pelosi, Mark Pryor, Charles Rangel, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Hal Rogers, Ken Salazar, Chuck Schumer, Allyson Y Schwartz, Louise McIntosh Slaughter, Adam Smith, Arlen Specter, Debbie Stabenow, Ellen O'Kane Tauscher, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Henry Waxman, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ron Wyden, William H Frist, Martin Olav Sabo, Paul Sarbanes, John Breaux, Brad Carson, Tom Daschle, Calvin M Dooley, Martin Frost, Dick Gephardt, Ernest Frederick Hollings, Jean Carnahan, Joseph Maxwell Cleland, Fred Dalton Thompson, Robert Guy Torricelli, Richard H Bryan, Samuel Gejdenson, Charles Spittal Robb, Henry Scott Baesler, Ron Dellums, George John Mitchell, James Ralph Sasser, Alan Dupree Wheat, Brockman Adams, Wyche Fowler Jr, Al Gore, Douglas Wayne Owens, Bill Clinton, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Carol Moseley Braun, Benjamin A Gilman, Kay R Hagan, Inez Moore Tenenbaum, Ohio Democratic Party, John E Porter, Martin Heinrich, Jeanne Shaheen, Mark Warner, Chris John, Michael Bennet, Max Baucus, Bob Weygand, Tom Bruggere, Ted Stevens, Jay Rockefeller, Jon Tester, Chris Coons, Martha Coakley, Blanche L Lincoln, Kent Conrad
Russell S Holdstein Joel Hyatt, Dennis Hastert, Wayne Allard, Evan Bayh, Shelley Berkley, Joe Biden, Jeff Bingaman, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Barbara Boxer, Eric Cantor, Maria Cantwell, Ben Cardin, Dennis A Cardoza, Tom Carper, Bob Casey, Jim Clyburn, Mike Crapo, Artur Davis, Chris Dodd, Byron Dorgan, Dick Durbin, Brad Ellsworth, Rahm Emanuel, Eliot Engel, Russ Feingold, Dianne Feinstein, Lindsey Graham, Tom Harkin, Jane Harman, Walter William Herger, Steny Hoyer, Daniel Ken Inouye, Tim Johnson, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Mark Steven Kirk, Amy Klobuchar, Mary Landrieu, Thomas Peter Lantos, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, Joe Lieberman, John McCain, Kevin McCarthy, Claire McCaskill, Mitch McConnell, Jerry McNerney, Bob Menendez, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Patty Murray, Bill Nelson, Ben Nelson, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Mark Pryor, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Silvestre Reyes, Hal Rogers, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Ken Salazar, Chuck Schumer, Jeff Sessions, Adam Smith, Gordon Harold Smith, Ellen O'Kane Tauscher, Mike Thompson, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Sheldon Whitehouse, Roger Wicker, Frank Rudolph Wolf, Lynn C Woolsey, Ron Wyden, Mike DeWine, James Thomas Kolbe, Don Sherwood, Jim Talent, John Breaux, Ben Nighthorse Campbell, Tom Daschle, Calvin M Dooley, Martin Frost, Dick Gephardt, Jean Carnahan, Joseph Maxwell Cleland, Charles Spittal Robb, John Glenn, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Tim Hutchinson, Benjamin A Gilman, New Millennium PAC, PAC to the Future, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Ember Reichgott Junge, Inez Moore Tenenbaum, PAC for a Change, Effective Government Committee, National PAC Inc A/K/A Natpac, Jeff Merkley, Katrina Swett, DANPAC, Ed Bernstein, Jeanne Shaheen, Mark Warner, Chris John, Friends of Israel Political Action Committee - Fipac, Max Baucus, Jon Kyl, John Garamendi, Alexander Giannoulias, National Action Committee (Nacpac), Ted Stevens, Jay Rockefeller, Richard Blumenthal, Blanche L Lincoln, Kent Conrad, Michael O Johanns
Harriet Zimmerman Victor H Fazio, John Barrow, Evan Bayh, Shelley Berkley, Howard Lawrence Berman, Joe Biden, Jeff Bingaman, Barbara Boxer, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Ben Cardin, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, Elijah Cummings, Artur Davis, Chris Dodd, Byron Dorgan, Dick Durbin, Brad Ellsworth, Eliot Engel, Russ Feingold, Dianne Feinstein, Kirsten Gillibrand, Tom Harkin, Jane Harman, Alcee Lamar Hastings, Daniel Ken Inouye, Tim Johnson, Ted Kennedy, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Mary Landrieu, Thomas Peter Lantos, Frank Lautenberg, Carl Levin, Sander Martin Levin, John R Lewis, Joe Lieberman, Nita M Lowey, Mitch McConnell, Bob Menendez, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Patty Murray, John Patrick Murtha Jr, Bill Nelson, Ben Nelson, Barack Obama, David Obey, Nancy Pelosi, Mark Pryor, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Ken Salazar, Chuck Schumer, Arlen Specter, Debbie Stabenow, Mark Udall, Sheldon Whitehouse, Frank Rudolph Wolf, Ron Wyden, William H Frist, Paul Sarbanes, Ben Nighthorse Campbell, Tom Daschle, John Edwards, Martin Frost, Don Nickles, Jean Carnahan, Joseph Maxwell Cleland, Paul Wellstone, Richard H Bryan, Charles Spittal Robb, Henry Scott Baesler, Al D’Amato, Wendell Hampton Ford, Newt Gingrich, John Glenn, Susan Molinari, Michael J Kopetski, George John Mitchell, James Ralph Sasser, Richard Swett, Alan Dupree Wheat, Harris Wofford, Brockman Adams, Wyche Fowler Jr, Al Gore, Rick Lazio, Mel Levine, Bill Clinton, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Carol Moseley Braun, Bob Graham, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Pennsylvania Democratic Party, Democratic Executive Committee of Florida, Inez Moore Tenenbaum, Effective Government Committee, Richard J Phelps, Al Franken, Andrew S Hochberg, National PAC Inc A/K/A Natpac, Jeff Merkley, Katrina Swett, DANPAC, Ed Bernstein, Kenneth A Toltz, Michael Bennet, Max Baucus, Joint Action Committee for Political Affairs, Richard H Stallings, National Action Committee (Nacpac), Jay Rockefeller, Ted Deutch, Brad Schneider, Blanche L Lincoln, Kent Conrad
Paul L Baker Joel Hyatt, Victor H Fazio, Bob Kerrey, Dennis Hastert, Robert Ernest Andrews, Evan Bayh, Shelley Berkley, Joe Biden, Kit Bond, Barbara Boxer, Sherrod Brown, Danny Lee Burton, Eric Cantor, Ben Cardin, Tom Carper, Bob Casey, Norm Coleman, Mike Crapo, Joe Crowley, Artur Davis, Chris Dodd, Pete Domenici, Byron Dorgan, Brad Ellsworth, Eliot Engel, Russ Feingold, Dianne Feinstein, Gabby Giffords, Kay Granger, Tom Harkin, Steny Hoyer, Daniel Ken Inouye, Tim Johnson, John Kerry, Mark Steven Kirk, Mary Landrieu, Thomas Peter Lantos, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, Sander Martin Levin, Joe Lieberman, Nita M Lowey, John McCain, Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, Bob Menendez, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Patty Murray, John Patrick Murtha Jr, David Obey, Nancy Pelosi, Mark Pryor, Charles Rangel, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Silvestre Reyes, Hal Rogers, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Paul Ryan, Chuck Schumer, Jeff Sessions, Gordon Harold Smith, Arlen Specter, John Thune, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Sheldon Whitehouse, Heather Wilson, Frank Rudolph Wolf, Ron Wyden, Conrad Burns, Mike DeWine, William H Frist, James Thomas Kolbe, Paul Sarbanes, Jim Talent, Ben Nighthorse Campbell, Tom Daschle, Martin Frost, Dick Gephardt, Don Nickles, Richard H Bryan, Samuel Gejdenson, Slade Gorton, Rod Grams, Al D’Amato, Newt Gingrich, John Glenn, William S Cohen, Gregory H Laughlin, Harris Wofford, Rick Lazio, Mel Levine, Bill Clinton, Tim Hutchinson, Carol Moseley Braun, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Ember Reichgott Junge, Freedom Works PAC, Jon Paul Jennings, Al Franken, National PAC Inc A/K/A Natpac, Mark Begich, Jeff Merkley, Katrina Swett, Frank Murkowski, DANPAC, Max Baucus, Jon Kyl, Trey Grayson, Ted Stevens, Jay Rockefeller, Chris Coons, Kelly Ayotte, Mike Lee, Ron Barber, Ryan-NRCC Victory Cmte
Lionel Kaplan Joel Hyatt, Victor H Fazio, Dennis Hastert, Robert Ernest Andrews, John Barrow, Shelley Berkley, Howard Lawrence Berman, Joe Biden, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Barbara Boxer, Sherrod Brown, Danny Lee Burton, Eric Cantor, Maria Cantwell, Ben Cardin, Tom Carper, Bob Casey, A B Chandler, Hillary Clinton, Mike Crapo, Chris Dodd, Byron Dorgan, Dick Durbin, Brad Ellsworth, Eliot Engel, Russ Feingold, Dianne Feinstein, Kirsten Gillibrand, Lindsey Graham, Tom Harkin, Jane Harman, Steny Hoyer, Daniel Ken Inouye, Steve Israel, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Mark Steven Kirk, Mary Landrieu, Thomas Peter Lantos, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, Joe Lieberman, Nita M Lowey, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Bob Menendez, Patty Murray, Bill Nelson, Ben Nelson, David Obey, Nancy Pelosi, Mark Pryor, Charles Rangel, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Silvestre Reyes, Chuck Schumer, Allyson Y Schwartz, Jeff Sessions, Adam Smith, Gordon Harold Smith, Arlen Specter, Debbie Stabenow, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Henry Waxman, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ron Wyden, Mike DeWine, William H Frist, James Thomas Kolbe, Tom Daschle, John Edwards, Martin Frost, Ernest Frederick Hollings, Jean Carnahan, Joseph Maxwell Cleland, Robert Guy Torricelli, Richard H Bryan, Samuel Gejdenson, Slade Gorton, Robert L Livingston, Charles Spittal Robb, Al D’Amato, Newt Gingrich, Gregory H Laughlin, Richard Swett, Harris Wofford, Rick Lazio, Mel Levine, Bill Clinton, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Carol Moseley Braun, Bob Graham, PAC to the Future, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, National PAC Inc A/K/A Natpac, Frank Murkowski, Jeanne Shaheen, Mark Warner, Michael Bennet, Max Baucus, Jon Kyl, Alexander Giannoulias, Charles Wilson, NORPAC, Trey Grayson, Ted Stevens, Jay Rockefeller, Chris Coons, Ted Deutch, Richard Blumenthal, Martha Coakley, Heidi Heitkamp
Herta Amir Bob Kerrey, Dennis Hastert, Wayne Allard, Robert Ernest Andrews, Evan Bayh, Shelley Berkley, Howard Lawrence Berman, Joe Biden, Barbara Boxer, Eric Cantor, Maria Cantwell, Lois Capps, Ben Cardin, Bob Casey, A B Chandler, Norm Coleman, Artur Davis, Chris Dodd, Byron Dorgan, Dick Durbin, Brad Ellsworth, Eliot Engel, Russ Feingold, Dianne Feinstein, Lindsey Graham, Jane Harman, Mazie Hirono, Jim Inhofe, Daniel Ken Inouye, Tim Johnson, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Mark Steven Kirk, Mary Landrieu, Thomas Peter Lantos, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, Joe Lieberman, Nita M Lowey, Doris Okada Matsui, John McCain, Kevin McCarthy, Claire McCaskill, Mitch McConnell, Bob Menendez, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Patty Murray, Bill Nelson, Ben Nelson, Nancy Pelosi, Mark Pryor, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Hal Rogers, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Paul Ryan, Ken Salazar, Chuck Schumer, Jeff Sessions, Brad Sherman, Adam Smith, Gordon Harold Smith, Debbie Stabenow, Mark Udall, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Henry Waxman, Sheldon Whitehouse, Roger Wicker, Ron Wyden, Conrad Burns, Paul Sarbanes, Tom Daschle, Martin Frost, Dick Gephardt, Ernest Frederick Hollings, Joseph Maxwell Cleland, Samuel Gejdenson, Rod Grams, Charles Spittal Robb, Newt Gingrich, Samuel G Coppersmith, Richard Swett, Bill Clinton, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Tim Hutchinson, Democratic National Committee, Carol Moseley Braun, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Ember Reichgott Junge, Inez Moore Tenenbaum, Effective Government Committee, Andrew S Hochberg, Mark Begich, Jeff Merkley, Katrina Swett, Marcia Fudge, DANPAC, Mark Warner, Chris John, Michael Bennet, Max Baucus, Jon Kyl, Alexander Giannoulias, Trey Grayson, Ted Stevens, Jay Rockefeller, World Alliance for Israel Political Action Committee, Ted Deutch, Mike Lee, Martha Coakley, Ted Cruz, Eric Swalwell, Kent Conrad, Brian Schatz, Ben Sasse
Michael Levin Dennis Hastert, Robert Ernest Andrews, John Barrow, Evan Bayh, Shelley Berkley, Howard Lawrence Berman, Joe Biden, Barbara Boxer, Sherrod Brown, Eric Cantor, Maria Cantwell, Tom Carper, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Mike Crapo, Joe Crowley, Artur Davis, Chris Dodd, Dick Durbin, Brad Ellsworth, Eliot Engel, Russ Feingold, Dianne Feinstein, Kirsten Gillibrand, Lindsey Graham, Kay Granger, Tom Harkin, Jane Harman, Steny Hoyer, Jim Inhofe, Daniel Ken Inouye, Tim Johnson, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Mark Steven Kirk, Thomas Peter Lantos, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, Sander Martin Levin, Joe Lieberman, Nita M Lowey, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Bob Menendez, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Patty Murray, Bill Nelson, Nancy Pelosi, Mark Pryor, Charles Rangel, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Silvestre Reyes, Chuck Schumer, Allyson Y Schwartz, Jeff Sessions, Brad Sherman, Adam Smith, Gordon Harold Smith, Arlen Specter, Debbie Stabenow, Ellen O'Kane Tauscher, John Thune, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Sheldon Whitehouse, Frank Rudolph Wolf, Ron Wyden, James Thomas Kolbe, Ben Nighthorse Campbell, Tom Daschle, John Edwards, Martin Frost, Dick Gephardt, Jean Carnahan, Joseph Maxwell Cleland, Robert Guy Torricelli, Charles Spittal Robb, Al D’Amato, Bill Clinton, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Tim Hutchinson, Democratic National Committee, Carol Moseley Braun, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, DCCC-E Non-Federal Account 5, Effective Government Committee, National PAC Inc A/K/A Natpac, Katrina Swett, DANPAC, Ed Bernstein, Jeanne Shaheen, Max Baucus, Jon Kyl, Jody Moses Wagner, Alexander Giannoulias, Bob Weygand, National Action Committee (Nacpac), NORPAC, Ted Stevens, Jay Rockefeller, World Alliance for Israel Political Action Committee, Chris Coons, Ted Deutch, Richard Blumenthal, Martha Coakley, Ted Cruz, Heidi Heitkamp, Eric Swalwell, Blanche L Lincoln, Kent Conrad
Amnon Rodan Dennis Hastert, John Barrow, Shelley Berkley, Howard Lawrence Berman, Joe Biden, Barbara Boxer, Danny Lee Burton, Eric Cantor, Maria Cantwell, Ben Cardin, Tom Carper, Bob Casey, Jim Clyburn, Bob Corker, Joe Crowley, Artur Davis, Chris Dodd, Byron Dorgan, Dick Durbin, Brad Ellsworth, Eliot Engel, Dianne Feinstein, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kay Granger, Tom Harkin, Jane Harman, Steny Hoyer, Daniel Ken Inouye, Tim Johnson, John Kerry, Amy Klobuchar, Mary Landrieu, Thomas Peter Lantos, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Barbara Lee, Joe Lieberman, Nita M Lowey, John McCain, Kevin McCarthy, Claire McCaskill, Mitch McConnell, Jerry McNerney, Bob Menendez, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Jerry Moran, Patty Murray, Bill Nelson, Ben Nelson, Devin Nunes, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Mark Pryor, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Silvestre Reyes, Hal Rogers, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Paul Ryan, Ken Salazar, Chuck Schumer, Adam Smith, Arlen Specter, Debbie Stabenow, Ellen O'Kane Tauscher, John Thune, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Sheldon Whitehouse, Roger Wicker, Heather Wilson, Lynn C Woolsey, Ron Wyden, Mike DeWine, James Thomas Kolbe, Rob Portman, Jim Talent, Ben Nighthorse Campbell, Jean Carnahan, Joseph Maxwell Cleland, Democratic National Committee, North Carolina Democratic Party - Federal, Ember Reichgott Junge, Pennsylvania Democratic Party, Inez Moore Tenenbaum, Jon Paul Jennings, Democratic State Central Committee of CA - Federal, Michigan Democratic State Central Commitee, Jackie Speier, Al Franken, National PAC Inc A/K/A Natpac, Jeff Merkley, Katrina Swett, Jill T Derby, Committee for Change, Martin Heinrich, Jeanne Shaheen, Chris John, Friends of Israel Political Action Committee - Fipac, Michael Bennet, Max Baucus, Jon Kyl, John Garamendi, Alexander Giannoulias, Trey Grayson, Ted Deutch, Kelly Ayotte, Rick Berg, Richard Blumenthal, Mike Lee, Martha Coakley, Heidi Heitkamp, Eric Swalwell, Kent Conrad
Tim Wuliger Joel Hyatt, Victor H Fazio, Bob Kerrey, Robert Ernest Andrews, Spencer T Bachus III, Evan Bayh, Shelley Berkley, Howard Lawrence Berman, Joe Biden, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Sherrod Brown, Eric Cantor, Maria Cantwell, Tom Carper, Bob Casey, Norm Coleman, Robert E Cramer Jr, Mike Crapo, Chris Dodd, Byron Dorgan, Brad Ellsworth, Russ Feingold, Dianne Feinstein, Lindsey Graham, Kay Granger, Tom Harkin, Jane Harman, Alcee Lamar Hastings, Steny Hoyer, Daniel Ken Inouye, Tim Johnson, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Mark Steven Kirk, Mary Landrieu, Thomas Peter Lantos, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, Sander Martin Levin, Joe Lieberman, Nita M Lowey, John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Bob Menendez, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Patty Murray, Bill Nelson, Ben Nelson, Mark Pryor, Charles Rangel, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Hal Rogers, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Chuck Schumer, Jeff Sessions, Adam Smith, Gordon Harold Smith, Arlen Specter, Mark Udall, Ron Wyden, Conrad Burns, Mike DeWine, William H Frist, James Thomas Kolbe, Rob Portman, Tom Daschle, Martin Frost, Dick Gephardt, Joseph Maxwell Cleland, Paul Wellstone, Samuel Gejdenson, Slade Gorton, Charles Spittal Robb, Newt Gingrich, John Glenn, Gregory H Laughlin, Eric D Fingerhut, James Ralph Sasser, Wyche Fowler Jr, Al Gore, Mel Levine, Bill Clinton, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Bob Graham, New Millennium PAC, Rely on Your Beliefs Fund, Ember Reichgott Junge, Ohio Democratic Party, DCCC-E Non-Federal Account 5, Andrew S Hochberg, National PAC Inc A/K/A Natpac, Marcia Fudge, John E Porter, Max Baucus, Jon Kyl, Jim Maloney, Mel Reynolds, Timothy F Hagan, Jennifer Laszlo, Charles Wilson, NORPAC, Trey Grayson, Ted Stevens, Jay Rockefeller, Ted Deutch, Blanche L Lincoln, Kent Conrad, Michael O Johanns
Victor H Fazio John Barrow, Evan Bayh, Shelley Berkley, Howard Lawrence Berman, Jeff Bingaman, Barbara Boxer, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Lois Capps, Ben Cardin, Dennis A Cardoza, Tom Carper, Bob Casey, A B Chandler, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, Joe Crowley, Susan A Davis, Diana Degette, Chris Dodd, Byron Dorgan, Dick Durbin, Brad Ellsworth, Rahm Emanuel, Eliot Engel, Dianne Feinstein, Gabby Giffords, Kirsten Gillibrand, Raymond Eugene Green, Tom Harkin, Jane Harman, Baron P Hill, Mazie Hirono, Mike Honda, Steny Hoyer, Steve Israel, Tim Johnson, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Mary Landrieu, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Barbara Lee, Sander Martin Levin, Joe Lieberman, Ed Markey, Doris Okada Matsui, Claire McCaskill, Jerry McNerney, Bob Menendez, George Miller, Patty Murray, Bill Nelson, Ben Nelson, David Obey, Nancy Pelosi, Mark Pryor, Charles Rangel, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Ken Salazar, Chuck Schumer, Allyson Y Schwartz, Louise McIntosh Slaughter, Adam Smith, Debbie Stabenow, Ellen O'Kane Tauscher, Mike Thompson, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Henry Waxman, Sheldon Whitehouse, Lynn C Woolsey, Martin Olav Sabo, Brad Carson, Tom Daschle, Martin Frost, Dick Gephardt, Joseph Maxwell Cleland, Samuel Gejdenson, Charles Spittal Robb, Al Gore, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, New Millennium PAC, PAC to the Future, Kay R Hagan, Committee for a Progressive Congress Inc, PAC for a Change, Ohio Democratic Party, Mark Begich, DANPAC, Martin Heinrich, Jeanne Shaheen, Chris John, Michael Bennet, Max Baucus, John Garamendi, Jim Maloney, Bob Weygand, Zoe Lofgren, Jay Rockefeller, Jon Tester, Chris Coons, Ted Deutch, Martha Coakley, CHUTZPAC, Brad Schneider, Blanche L Lincoln, Kent Conrad
David R Victor Bob Kerrey, Dennis Hastert, Evan Bayh, Shelley Berkley, Howard Lawrence Berman, Joe Biden, Roy Blunt, Kit Bond, Barbara Boxer, Eric Cantor, Maria Cantwell, Ben Cardin, Tom Carper, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, Norm Coleman, Bob Corker, Mike Crapo, Artur Davis, Chris Dodd, Byron Dorgan, Dick Durbin, Brad Ellsworth, Rahm Emanuel, Eliot Engel, Russ Feingold, Dianne Feinstein, Lindsey Graham, Kay Granger, Tom Harkin, Jane Harman, Baron P Hill, Steny Hoyer, Daniel Ken Inouye, Steve Israel, Tim Johnson, John Kerry, Mark Steven Kirk, Amy Klobuchar, Mary Landrieu, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Carl Levin, Sander Martin Levin, Joe Lieberman, John Elmer Linder, Nita M Lowey, Ed Markey, John McCain, Claire McCaskill, Mitch McConnell, Bob Menendez, Barbara Ann Mikulski, Patty Murray, Bill Nelson, Ben Nelson, Nancy Pelosi, Mark Pryor, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Silvestre Reyes, Mike Rogers, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Chuck Schumer, Arlen Specter, Debbie Stabenow, Tom Udall, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Sheldon Whitehouse, Roger Wicker, Frank Rudolph Wolf, Conrad Burns, Mike DeWine, Rob Portman, Jim Talent, Brad Carson, Tom Daschle, Martin Frost, Richard H Bryan, Charles Spittal Robb, Eric D Fingerhut, Mel Levine, Democratic National Committee, Inez Moore Tenenbaum, Michigan Democratic State Central Commitee, Al Franken, National PAC Inc A/K/A Natpac, Mark Begich, Katrina Swett, Gary Peters, DANPAC, Jeanne Shaheen, Mark Warner, Max Baucus, Jon Kyl, Trey Grayson, Cory Booker, Ted Stevens, John Brad Ashford, Jon Tester, Ted Deutch, Mike Lee, Martha Coakley, Ted Cruz, Brad Schneider, Heidi Heitkamp, Blanche L Lincoln, Kent Conrad, Marc Veasey, Mike Bishop
Thomas Boggs Victor H Fazio, Bob Kerrey, Evan Bayh, Shelley Berkley, Howard Lawrence Berman, Joe Biden, Jeff Bingaman, Kit Bond, Barbara Boxer, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Ben Cardin, Tom Carper, Bob Casey, Hillary Clinton, Robert E Cramer Jr, Chris Dodd, Byron Dorgan, Dick Durbin, Dianne Feinstein, Kirsten Gillibrand, Lindsey Graham, Tom Harkin, Jane Harman, Alcee Lamar Hastings, Baron P Hill, Mazie Hirono, Steny Hoyer, Daniel Ken Inouye, Tim Johnson, Ted Kennedy, Patrick Joseph Kennedy, John Kerry, Mary Landrieu, Thomas Peter Lantos, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Sander Martin Levin, Joe Lieberman, Ed Markey, Claire McCaskill, Bob Menendez, Barbara Ann Mikulski, George Miller, Patty Murray, John Patrick Murtha Jr, Bill Nelson, Ben Nelson, Nancy Pelosi, Mark Pryor, Charles Rangel, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer, Allyson Y Schwartz, Brad Sherman, Louise McIntosh Slaughter, Arlen Specter, Debbie Stabenow, Mike Thompson, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Henry Waxman, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ron Wyden, William H Frist, Rob Portman, Paul Sarbanes, Ben Nighthorse Campbell, Brad Carson, Tom Daschle, Calvin M Dooley, Martin Frost, Dick Gephardt, Ernest Frederick Hollings, Jean Carnahan, Joseph Maxwell Cleland, Robert Guy Torricelli, Charles Spittal Robb, Wendell Hampton Ford, Gregory H Laughlin, George John Mitchell, James Ralph Sasser, Alan Dupree Wheat, Harris Wofford, Brockman Adams, Al Gore, Bill Clinton, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Carol Moseley Braun, Bob Graham, PAC to the Future, Al Franken, Mark Begich, Jeff Merkley, DANPAC, Martin Heinrich, Jeanne Shaheen, Mark Warner, Michael Bennet, Max Baucus, John Garamendi, Zoe Lofgren, Jay Rockefeller, Jon Tester, Chris Coons, Martha Coakley, Heidi Heitkamp, Blanche L Lincoln, Kent Conrad
James C Free Victor H Fazio, Dennis Hastert, John Barrow, Evan Bayh, Howard Lawrence Berman, Joe Biden, Jeff Bingaman, Barbara Boxer, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Lois Capps, Ben Cardin, Tom Carper, Bob Casey, A B Chandler, Hillary Clinton, Jim Clyburn, Bob Corker, Robert E Cramer Jr, Mike Crapo, Joe Crowley, Artur Davis, Chris Dodd, Byron Dorgan, Dick Durbin, Rahm Emanuel, Eliot Engel, Dianne Feinstein, Kirsten Gillibrand, Lindsey Graham, Tom Harkin, Jane Harman, Baron P Hill, Steny Hoyer, Tim Johnson, Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Amy Klobuchar, Mary Landrieu, Frank Lautenberg, Patrick Leahy, Sander Martin Levin, John R Lewis, Ed Markey, Claire McCaskill, Bob Menendez, Barbara Ann Mikulski, George Miller, Patty Murray, Bill Nelson, Ben Nelson, Nancy Pelosi, Mark Pryor, Charles Rangel, Jack Reed, Harry Reid, Hal Rogers, Chuck Schumer, Louise McIntosh Slaughter, Arlen Specter, Ellen O'Kane Tauscher, Mike Thompson, Mark Udall, Tom Udall, Henry Waxman, Sheldon Whitehouse, Ron Wyden, William H Frist, Rob Portman, John Breaux, Brad Carson, Tom Daschle, Martin Frost, Dick Gephardt, Ernest Frederick Hollings, Jean Carnahan, Joseph Maxwell Cleland, Fred Dalton Thompson, Bill McCollum, Henry Scott Baesler, Samuel G Coppersmith, James Ralph Sasser, Wyche Fowler Jr, Al Gore, Rick Lazio, Mel Levine, Bill Clinton, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, New Millennium PAC, Kay R Hagan, Inez Moore Tenenbaum, Mark Begich, Jeff Merkley, Martin Heinrich, Ed Bernstein, Jeanne Shaheen, Mark Warner, Chris John, Michael Bennet, Max Baucus, Zoe Lofgren, Jay Rockefeller, Jon Tester, Chris Coons, Ted Deutch, Heidi Heitkamp, Blanche L Lincoln, Kent Conrad