Area9 Lyceum and McGraw Hill Education have/had a generic relationship

Partner on learnsmart Area9 Lyceum
Partner on learnsmart McGraw Hill Education
Start Date 2008-00-00
End Date 2014-00-00
Notes 2008 - 2014 Area9 partners with McGraw-Hill Education to deploy its adaptive learning technology. LearnSmart is an intelligent learning system which uses cognitive mapping to identify the student’s knowledge within a specific subject area and creates an individually adapted learning path. SmartBook is a digital version of the traditional textbook. It contains the same material, but in addition and unlike a traditional e-book, SmartBook tailors the material for each individual learner. Since 2010, more than 15 million learners have used LearnSmart and SmartBook (property of McGraw-Hill Education - acquired in 2014).
Updated over 4 years ago

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