Stephen Kennedy Smith has/had a position (Partner) at Joseph P. Kennedy Enterprises

Title Partner
Notes Board Member and Principal, Joseph P. Kennedy Enterprises Stephen is a principal at Park Agency – Joseph P. Kennedy Enterprises, the Kennedy family office, and an investor and entrepreneur. He has served as a director or advisor to several companies, including Gridline Communications Holdings, Pear Therapeutics, Owl Biomedical, and LocoMobi. His current investment and business focus is scaling innovative healthcare, and neuroscience companies. Stephen is a board member of the John F. Kennedy Library and The Joseph P Kennedy Foundation. He also serves on the advisory board at INCAE Business School. He is cofounder and vice president of the World Leadership Alliance, an organization of business and political leaders that promotes, democracy, international understanding and trade. Stephen is currently a lecturer at the Sloan school of Management in the visionary investing program, as well as a fellow at the Connection Science Group at MIT. He holds an M.A. from Harvard University, a J.D. from Columbia University, and an M.A. Ed. from Harvard’s School for Education. He has served on the staff of the Senate Judiciary and Foreign Relations Committees. He has taught in the advanced negotiation program at Harvard Law School and is a three-time recipient of the Danforth Award for excellence in teaching at Harvard University. He is also a recipient of the Lyndehurst Foundation Prize for social and artistic achievement. Stephen was Deputy Campaign Manager for Senator Edward Kennedy during his Presidential and Senatorial campaigns, Youth Coordinator for the campaign of Mario Cuomo, served on the New England Steering Committee for the Obama presidential campaign, and continues to be active in Democratic politics.
Updated over 3 years ago

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