Stanley McChrystal and Charles A Flynn are/were close friends

Close friend Stanley McChrystal
Close friend Charles A Flynn
Start Date 1988-00-00
Notes From Michael Hasting's book 'The Operators': "It's Friday night at the Pentagon, May 8, 2009, and Charlie Flynn is sitting at his desk in the outer office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He's McChrystal's executive officer, the closest to the man beside his wife - Charlie has been living with McChrystal at his house in the suburbs for a few months, commuting home on weekends to see his family in Virginia." "He's known McChrystal since '88, when he was a first lieutenant on assignment at Fort Benning...their wives pregnant around the same time. They strike up a friendship, an up-and-coming lieutenant and a young major."
Updated over 2 years ago

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