Zenobia Storah has/had a position (Speaker) at APPG Pandemic Recovery and Response

Title Speaker
Start Date 2022-01-31
Notes "Child and Adolescent Senior Clinical Psychologist, Dr Zenobia Storah described mass testing of healthy children as “harmful, invasive and unevidenced” and “nothing short of state sponsored child abuse”." "Dr Zenobia Storah Zenobia studied for her doctorate at University College London, and specialised in working with children and adolescents. She has worked in various CAMHS settings including generic CAMHS, children’s learning disability services and services for ‘Looked After’ and adopted children. In 2018, she left the NHS and now provides private therapy for children and young people, and services to NHS trusts as a private contractor. She works mainly with children with neurodevelopmental conditions (autism, ADHD), and retains a strong interest in attachment and developmental trauma, providing Expert Witness services for the Family Courts." Further comments from the panel Dr Zenobia Storah said: “I have been working with young people throughout the last two years and have seen a steep rise in mental health conditions as a result of measures like testing. These obsessive infection control measures are causing worrying levels of highly anxious behaviour. They maintain and amplify the fear messaging, further exacerbated when children are surrounded by adults, their parents or teachers, also constantly testing. It is utterly extraordinary for a society to treat their young in such an abusive way, to throw decades of understanding about normal child development out of the window without having considered the risk factors. One in six young people now meets the diagnostic criteria for at least one mental health disorder but there is still time to lessen and even reverse the long term psychological impact this is having on our children. Children and adolescents need to be prioritised and mass testing, like face coverings, must be consigned to the policy bin, once and for all. What is required immediately is a return to normality for all children and all school and extra-curricular environments.” https://web.archive.org/web/20230609163807/https://appgpandemic.org/news/mass-testing-of-children
Updated 11 months ago

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