Andrew Ng is/was an owner of Coursera

Title Founder
Notes Andrew Ng is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at Stanford University. He is also the Director of the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Lab, the main AI research organization at Stanford, with 15 professors and about 150 students/post docs. In 2008, together with SCPD he started SEE (Stanford Engineering Everywhere), Stanford's first major attempt at free, online distributed education, which made publicly available about a dozen Stanford engineering classes. Over a million people have viewed SEE's videos. At Stanford, he also led the development of the OpenClassroom and the ml-class/db-class online education platforms, which were the precursor to the Coursera platform. In Fall 2011, he was the instructor of ml-class, a Machine Learning class that was one of Stanford's first massive online courses, and had an enrollment of over 100,000 students. In addition to his work on online education, Ng also works on machine learning, specifically on building AI systems via large scale brain simulations. His previous work includes autonomous helicopters, the STanford AI Robot (STAIR) project, and ROS (the most widely used open-source robotics software platform today). Ng is the author or co-author of over 150 published papers in machine learning, and his group has won best paper/best student paper awards at ICML, ACL, CEAS, 3DRR. He is a recipient of the Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship, and the 2009 IJCAI Computers and Thought award, one of the highest honors in AI.
Updated almost 12 years ago

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