Self employed/Investor- Ruidioso New Mexico and Las Vegas Nevada
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Guy M Bowers also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Tatnall Lea Hillman Ben Carson, David Perdue, Michele Bachmann, John Barrasso, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Paul C Broun Jr, Steve Chabot, John Cornyn, Jim DeMint, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham, Chuck Grassley, Dean Heller, Peter Hoekstra, Darrell Issa, Jim Jordan, Mark Steven Kirk, Connie Mack IV, Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, Devin Nunes, Ted Poe, Denny Rehberg, Steve Scalise, John Thune, David Vitter, George Allen, Pat Toomey, Newt Gingrich, Mark W Neumann, Donald Trump, Texans for Senator John Cornyn Inc, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Friends of Roy Blunt, Vernon L Robinson, Grassley Committee Inc, McConnell Senate Committee '08, Don Stenberg, Steve Chabot for Congress, Jim Jordan for Congress, Arizona Republican Party, Friends of John Thune, Republican Party of Wisconsin, Republican Party of Texas, Madison Project Inc., Duane Sand, Kevin McCarthy for Congress, Bill Cassidy, Nevada Republican State Central Committee, Kris Kobach, Allen West, Devin Nunes Campaign Committee, Prosperity PAC, Senate Conservatives Fund, Mitt Romney, Mike Rounds, Scalise for Congress, Scott Randall Tipton, Cory Gardner, Sharron E Angle, National Rifle Association of America Political Victory Fund, Huck PAC, Scott P Brown, Richard E Mourdock, Lee Zeldin, Team America PAC, Freedom's Defense Fund, Our Country Deserves Better PAC, Jim Risch, Joe Heck, Charles Djou, Marlin Stutzman, Justin Amash, Jaime Herrera Beutler, Ron Johnson, James Lankford, Mike Lee, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Bobby Schilling, Tim Scott, Todd Young, Karen Handel, Dino Rossi, Joe Miller, Sarah H Steelman, Sarah PAC, Josh Mandel, Sean D Bielat, Ken Buck, Tim Burns, Ted Cruz, Reinventing a New Direction - Randpac, Steven Daines, Many Individual Conservatives Helping Elect Leaders Everywhere (Michelepac), Dan Bongino, Tom Smith, Tom Cotton, Paul Babeu, Deb Fischer, Wendy Long, National Association for Gun Rights Inc PAC, The Tea Party Leadership Fund, Thomas Massie, Martha McSally, Mia Love, Rodney Davis, Laurence S D'Amboise, Joe Kaufman, Joe PAC, Special Operations Speaks PAC - SOS PAC, Wendy Rogers, Kelly Loeffler, Chris McDaniel, Dan Sullivan, Conservative Majority Political Action Committee, Elise Stefanik, Thom Tillis, Ben Sasse, Jobs, Growth and Freedom Fund, National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee, Kelli Ward, Gardner for Congress 2012, Team Graham,, Jaime Herrera for Congress, Ron Johnson for Senate, Friends of Todd Young, Steve Daines for Montana, Ted Cruz for Senate, Cotton for Congress, Rodney for Congress, Thomas Massie for Congress, Bill Cassidy for US Senate, Tim Scott For Senate, Joni Ernst for US Senate, Stop Hillary PAC, Conservative Strikeforce, Thom Tillis Cmte, Elise for Congress, Rounds for Senate, Perdue for Senate, Zeldin for Congress, Ted Cruz Victory Cmte, Jobs, Opportunity & New Ideas PAC, Matt Rosendale for Montana, 2016 Cmte, Tea Party Victory Fund, Veterans Victory Fund, Defenders of Freedom & Security, Fight for Tomorrow, Rob Maness, Trump Make America Great Again Committee, Marco Rubio For Senate 2016, Joni Ernst, Cindy Hyde-Smith, Dan Crenshaw, Chip Roy, Handel for Congress, McSally for Senate, Chip Roy for Congress, John James for Senate, Cindy Hyde-Smith for US Senate, Dan Crenshaw for Congress, Yvette for Congress, Young Kim for Congress, Hagan for Congress, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Rosendale, Anthony Bouchard For Congress, Anthony Bouchard, Lauren Boebert For Congress, Lauren Boebert, WinRed, Hunt For Congress, Wesley Hunt, John James, Georgians For Kelly Loeffler, Christopher L Jacobs, Marchant For Congress, Jim Marchant, Joe Collins For Congress, Joe Collins, Mike Garcia For Congress, Michael Garcia, Burgess 4 Utah, Burgess Owens, Byron Donalds For Congress, Greitens For Us Senate, Eric Greitens, New Journey Pac, Inc., Nancy Mace For Congress, Nancy Mace, Christina Hagan, Yvette Herrell, Ashley Hinson For Congress, Ashley Hinson Arenholz, Greene For Congress, Catalina For Congress, Catalina Lauf, Brakey For Congress, Eric Brakey, Kobach For Senate, Texans For Ronny Jackson, Ronny Jackson, Young Kim, Joe Profit For Congress Llc, Rev Joseph Profit, Friends Of Matt Gurtler, Inc., Matt Gurtler, Committee To Elect Sam Peters, Samuel James Mr Peters, Stand America Pac, Save America Joint Fundraising Committee
Richard Uihlein David Perdue, Michele Bachmann, John Barrasso, Marsha Blackburn, Paul C Broun Jr, Shelley Moore Capito, Steve Chabot, John Cornyn, Jim DeMint, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham, Chuck Grassley, Darrell Issa, Jim Jordan, Mark Steven Kirk, Mitch McConnell, Ron Paul, Ted Poe, Denny Rehberg, Steve Scalise, John Thune, Roger Wicker, Joe Wilson, George Allen, Pat Toomey, Mark W Neumann, Donald Trump, Texans for Senator John Cornyn Inc, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Don Stenberg, Jim Jordan for Congress, Republican Party of Wisconsin, John Kennedy, Madison Project Inc., Bill Cassidy, Kris Kobach, Prosperity PAC, Senate Conservatives Fund, Mitt Romney, Mike Rounds, Cory Gardner, Sharron E Angle, Jon Bruning, Carly Fiorina, Scott P Brown, National Republican Trust PAC, the, Richard E Mourdock, Liberty PAC, Our Country Deserves Better PAC, Joe Heck, Marlin Stutzman, Justin Amash, Rick Berg, Morgan Griffith, Ron Johnson, Mike Lee, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Todd Young, Karen Handel, Dino Rossi, Sarah H Steelman, Josh Mandel, Ken Buck, Ted Cruz, Reinventing a New Direction - Randpac, Steven Daines, Tom Cotton, Thomas Massie, Mia Love, USA Super PAC, Rodney Davis, Wendy Rogers, Chris McDaniel, Dan Sullivan, Elise Stefanik, Thom Tillis, Ben Sasse, Jobs, Growth and Freedom Fund, Kelli Ward, Gardner for Congress 2012, Team Graham, Friends of Mike Lee, Steve Daines for Montana, Thomas Massie for Congress, Bill Cassidy for US Senate, Tim Scott For Senate, Joni Ernst for US Senate, Thom Tillis Cmte, Elise for Congress, Perdue for Senate, Rand Paul Victory Cmte, Ted Cruz Victory Cmte, Jobs, Opportunity & New Ideas PAC, Matt Rosendale for Montana, Fight for Tomorrow, Rob Maness, Marco Rubio For Senate 2016, Clay Higgins, John Kennedy for US, Alaskans for Dan Sullivan, Friends of Hagedorn, Captain Higgins for Congress, Josh Hawley, Joni Ernst, Mike Braun, Jim Hagedorn, Dan Crenshaw, Chip Roy, Chip Roy for Congress, John James for Senate, Mike Braun for Indiana, Dan Crenshaw for Congress, Yvette for Congress, Hagan for Congress, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Rosendale, Lauren Boebert For Congress, Lauren Boebert, WinRed, Hunt For Congress, Wesley Hunt, John James, Christopher L Jacobs, Marchant For Congress, Jim Marchant, Mike Garcia For Congress, Michael Garcia, Burgess 4 Utah, Burgess Owens, Americans For Parnell Committee, Richard Sean Parnell, Byron Donalds For Congress, Jason Lewis For Senate, Jason Lewis, Mark Ronchetti For New Mexico, Mark V Ronchetti, Tuberville For Senate, Inc., Tommy Tuberville, Nancy Mace For Congress, Nancy Mace, Christina Hagan, Yvette Herrell, Ashley Hinson For Congress, Ashley Hinson Arenholz, Greene For Congress, Catalina For Congress, Catalina Lauf, Brakey For Congress, Eric Brakey, Kobach For Senate, Texans For Ronny Jackson, Ronny Jackson, Anna Paulina Luna For Congress, Anna Paulina Luna, Friends Of Matt Gurtler, Inc., Matt Gurtler, Jessi Melton For Congress, Ms Jessica Melton
Corinne Spence David Perdue, Michele Bachmann, John Barrasso, Marsha Blackburn, Shelley Moore Capito, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Lindsey Graham, Dean Heller, Darrell Issa, Jim Jordan, Mark Steven Kirk, Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, Devin Nunes, Ron Paul, Denny Rehberg, Steve Scalise, George Allen, Pat Toomey, Mark W Neumann, Donald Trump, Texans for Senator John Cornyn Inc, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Collins for Senator, McConnell Senate Committee '08, Don Stenberg, Jim Jordan for Congress, Republican Party of Wisconsin, John Kennedy, Madison Project Inc., Marsha Blackburn for Congress Inc., Kevin McCarthy for Congress, Kris Kobach, Devin Nunes Campaign Committee, Senate Conservatives Fund, Mitt Romney, Scalise for Congress, Cory Gardner, Sharron E Angle, Huck PAC, Carly Fiorina, Richard E Mourdock, Team America PAC, Freedom's Defense Fund, Liberty PAC, Our Country Deserves Better PAC, Marlin Stutzman, Justin Amash, Ron Johnson, Mike Lee, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Dino Rossi, Josh Mandel, Ken Buck, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, John Dennis, Dan Bongino, Tom Smith, Tom Cotton, The Tea Party Leadership Fund, Martha McSally, Kurt Bills, Revive America PAC, Black Republican PAC, Kelly Loeffler, Dan Sullivan, Elise Stefanik, Thom Tillis, Jobs, Growth and Freedom Fund, Gardner for Congress 2012, Team Graham, Friends of Mike Lee, Steve Daines for Montana, Ted Cruz for Senate, Cotton for Congress, Tim Scott For Senate, Capito for West Virginia, Joni Ernst for US Senate, Stop Hillary PAC, Thom Tillis Cmte, Elise for Congress, Perdue for Senate, Matt Rosendale for Montana, Trump Make America Great Again Committee, John Kennedy for US, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc, Josh Hawley, Joni Ernst, Dan Crenshaw, Chip Roy, McSally for Senate, Josh Hawley for Senate, Chip Roy for Congress, John James for Senate, Dan Crenshaw for Congress, Yvette for Congress, Young Kim for Congress, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Rosendale, Lauren Boebert For Congress, Lauren Boebert, WinRed, John James, Georgians For Kelly Loeffler, Christopher L Jacobs, Marchant For Congress, Jim Marchant, Mike Garcia For Congress, Michael Garcia, Burgess 4 Utah, Burgess Owens, Jason Lewis For Senate, Jason Lewis, New Journey Pac, Inc., Collins For Senate, Inc., Douglas Allen Collins, Yvette Herrell, Greene For Congress, Brakey For Congress, Eric Brakey, Kobach For Senate, Young Kim, Team Scalise, Anna Paulina Luna For Congress, Anna Paulina Luna, Friends Of Matt Gurtler, Inc., Matt Gurtler, Save America Joint Fundraising Committee, Bikers For The President Pac
Marilyn Morrow Woodhouse David Perdue, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Lindsey Graham, Jim Inhofe, Darrell Issa, Jim Jordan, Kevin McCarthy, Michael T McCaul, Mitch McConnell, Devin Nunes, Steve Scalise, Donald Trump, Texans for Senator John Cornyn Inc, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, McCaul for Congress, Inc, Collins for Senator, McConnell Senate Committee '08, Jim Jordan for Congress, Friends of Jim Inhofe Committee, Republican Party of Wisconsin, John Kennedy, Republican Party of Texas, Kevin McCarthy for Congress, Kris Kobach, Devin Nunes Campaign Committee, Senate Conservatives Fund, Scalise for Congress, Cory Gardner, Huck PAC, Lee Zeldin, Freedom's Defense Fund, Ron Johnson, Mike Lee, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Todd Young, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, Tom Cotton, National Association for Gun Rights Inc PAC, Thomas Massie, Martha McSally, Kelly Loeffler, Dan Sullivan, Elise Stefanik, Thom Tillis, Gardner for Congress 2012, Team Graham, Friends of Mike Lee, Ron Johnson for Senate, Friends of Todd Young, Steve Daines for Montana, Ted Cruz for Senate, Cotton for Congress, Thomas Massie for Congress, Tim Scott For Senate, Joni Ernst for US Senate, Stop Hillary PAC, Thom Tillis Cmte, Elise for Congress, Perdue for Senate, Zeldin for Congress, Matt Rosendale for Montana, Trump Make America Great Again Committee, Marco Rubio For Senate 2016, John Kennedy for US, Alaskans for Dan Sullivan, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc, Josh Hawley, Joni Ernst, Jack Bergman, Dan Crenshaw, Chip Roy, McSally for Senate, Josh Hawley for Senate, Chip Roy for Congress, Bergman for Congress, John James for Senate, Dan Crenshaw for Congress, Yvette for Congress, Young Kim for Congress, Hagan for Congress, Matt Rosendale, Lauren Boebert For Congress, Lauren Boebert, WinRed, Hunt For Congress, Wesley Hunt, John James, Georgians For Kelly Loeffler, Christopher L Jacobs, Joe Collins For Congress, Joe Collins, Burgess 4 Utah, Burgess Owens, Lisa Song Sutton For Congress, Lisa Song Sutton, Jason Lewis For Senate, Jason Lewis, Greitens For Us Senate, Eric Greitens, Tuberville For Senate, Inc., Tommy Tuberville, New Journey Pac, Inc., Collins For Senate, Inc., Douglas Allen Collins, Nancy Mace For Congress, Nancy Mace, Christina Hagan, Yvette Herrell, Ashley Hinson For Congress, Ashley Hinson Arenholz, Catalina For Congress, Catalina Lauf, Brakey For Congress, Eric Brakey, Kobach For Senate, Texans For Ronny Jackson, Ronny Jackson, Young Kim, Team Scalise, Anna Paulina Luna For Congress, Anna Paulina Luna, Joe Profit For Congress Llc, Rev Joseph Profit, Friends Of Matt Gurtler, Inc., Matt Gurtler, Committee To Elect Sam Peters, Samuel James Mr Peters, Stand America Pac, National Victory Action Fund, Apl Pac
Marc Goldman David Perdue, Michele Bachmann, John Barrasso, Marsha Blackburn, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Shelley Moore Capito, John R Carter, Steve Chabot, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Jim DeMint, Lindsey Graham, Chuck Grassley, Mark Steven Kirk, Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, Denny Rehberg, Pat Roberts, Steve Scalise, John Thune, David Vitter, Joe Wilson, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Pat Toomey, Dan Coats, Donald Trump, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Judge John Carter for Congress Committee, John Kennedy, Marsha Blackburn for Congress Inc., Bill Cassidy, Allen West, Mitt Romney, Mike Rounds, Cory Gardner, Joseph Walsh, Carly Fiorina, David Jeffrey Harmer, Scott P Brown, Jason Chaffetz, Lee Zeldin, Joe Heck, Charles Djou, Marlin Stutzman, Dan Benishek, Rick Berg, Jaime Herrera Beutler, Ron Johnson, Mike Lee, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Karen Handel, Joel Pollak, Josh Mandel, Tim Burns, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, Tom Cotton, Mia Love, Kelly Loeffler, Dan Sullivan, Elise Stefanik, Thom Tillis, Brian Fitzpatrick, Jobs, Growth and Freedom Fund, Kelli Ward, Gardner for Congress 2012, Team Graham, Friends of Mike Lee, Steve Daines for Montana, Capito for West Virginia, Joni Ernst for US Senate, Elise for Congress, Rounds for Senate, Perdue for Senate, Zeldin for Congress, Ted Cruz Victory Cmte, Matt Rosendale for Montana, Marco Rubio For Senate 2016, Brian Fitzpatrick For Congress, John Kennedy for US, Friends of Hagedorn, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc, Josh Hawley, Joni Ernst, Mike Braun, Jim Hagedorn, Dan Crenshaw, Josh Hawley for Senate, John James for Senate, Mike Braun for Indiana, Dan Crenshaw for Congress, Yvette for Congress, Young Kim for Congress, Hagan for Congress, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Rosendale, Lauren Boebert For Congress, Lauren Boebert, WinRed, John James, Georgians For Kelly Loeffler, Christopher L Jacobs, Rodimer For Congress, Dan Rodimer, Marchant For Congress, Jim Marchant, Americans For Parnell Committee, Richard Sean Parnell, Byron Donalds For Congress, Greitens For Us Senate, Eric Greitens, Nancy Mace For Congress, Nancy Mace, Christina Hagan, Yvette Herrell, Ashley Hinson For Congress, Ashley Hinson Arenholz, Greene For Congress, Catalina For Congress, Catalina Lauf, Michelle Steel For Congress, Michelle Steel, Young Kim, Anna Paulina Luna For Congress, Anna Paulina Luna, Jessi Melton For Congress, Ms Jessica Melton, David Richter For Congress Inc., David Richter
Dian Graves Stai Herman Cain, Michele Bachmann, John Boehner, John Boozman, John R Carter, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Jim DeMint, Mike Enzi, Peter Hoekstra, Jim Inhofe, Darrell Issa, Jim Jordan, Michael T McCaul, Mitch McConnell, Devin Nunes, Ted Poe, Denny Rehberg, John Thune, David Vitter, Roger Wicker, Joe Wilson, Pat Toomey, Newt Gingrich, Mark W Neumann, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Collins for Senator, Vernon L Robinson, Don Stenberg, Judge John Carter for Congress Committee, Jim Jordan for Congress, Arizona Republican Party, Republican Party of Wisconsin, John Kennedy, Republican Party of Texas, Madison Project Inc., Duane Sand, Bill Cassidy, Nevada Republican State Central Committee, Allen West, Devin Nunes Campaign Committee, Prosperity PAC, Senate Conservatives Fund, Mitt Romney, Christine O'Donnell, Sharron E Angle, Scott P Brown, National Republican Trust PAC, the, Richard E Mourdock, Lee Zeldin, Liberty PAC, Our Country Deserves Better PAC, Jim Risch, Marlin Stutzman, Ron Johnson, Mike Lee, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Dino Rossi, Joe Miller, Sarah H Steelman, Sarah PAC, Josh Mandel, Michael F Yost, Tim Burns, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, Many Individual Conservatives Helping Elect Leaders Everywhere (Michelepac), Tom Cotton, Paul Babeu, Martha McSally, Mia Love, Joe Wurzelbacher, Laurence S D'Amboise, Black Republican PAC, Dan Sullivan, Thom Tillis, Ben Sasse, Jobs, Growth and Freedom Fund, Kelli Ward, Friends of Mike Lee, Ron Johnson for Senate, Steve Daines for Montana, Cotton for Congress, Conservative Strikeforce, Thom Tillis Cmte, Zeldin for Congress, Ted Cruz Victory Cmte, John Kennedy for US, Joni Ernst, Dan Crenshaw, Chip Roy, McSally for Senate, Chip Roy for Congress, John James for Senate, Dan Crenshaw for Congress, Yvette for Congress, Young Kim for Congress, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert For Congress, Lauren Boebert, Hunt For Congress, Wesley Hunt, John James, Christopher L Jacobs, Marchant For Congress, Jim Marchant, Joe Collins For Congress, Joe Collins, Mike Garcia For Congress, Michael Garcia, Burgess 4 Utah, Burgess Owens, Byron Donalds For Congress, New Journey Pac, Inc., Collins For Senate, Inc., Douglas Allen Collins, Nancy Mace For Congress, Nancy Mace, Yvette Herrell, Ashley Hinson For Congress, Ashley Hinson Arenholz, Greene For Congress, Catalina For Congress, Catalina Lauf, Michelle Steel For Congress, Michelle Steel, Young Kim, Beth Van Duyne For Congress, Van Duyne Elizabeth Ann
Ron Cameron Herman Cain, David Perdue, Michele Bachmann, Marsha Blackburn, Roy Blunt, John Boozman, Steve Chabot, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Jim DeMint, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham, Chuck Grassley, Dean Heller, Jim Inhofe, Mark Steven Kirk, Connie Mack IV, Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, Devin Nunes, Pat Roberts, John Thune, David Vitter, George Allen, Pat Toomey, Mark W Neumann, Donald Trump, Texans for Senator John Cornyn Inc, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Collins for Senator, McConnell Senate Committee '08, Steve Chabot for Congress, Friends of Jim Inhofe Committee, Arizona Republican Party, Republican Party of Wisconsin, John Kennedy, Kevin McCarthy for Congress, Bill Cassidy, Nevada Republican State Central Committee, Devin Nunes Campaign Committee, Prosperity PAC, Senate Conservatives Fund, Mitt Romney, Mike Rounds, Scott Randall Tipton, Cory Gardner, Huck PAC, Scott P Brown, Richard E Mourdock, Lee Zeldin, Joe Heck, Charles Djou, Dan Benishek, Renee Ellmers, Ron Johnson, James Lankford, Mike Lee, David McKinley, Marco Rubio, Bobby Schilling, Tim Scott, Todd Young, Karen Handel, Dino Rossi, Sarah PAC, Josh Mandel, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, Beth Anne Rankin, Dan Bongino, Tom Smith, Tom Cotton, Deb Fischer, David Valadao, Martha McSally, Mia Love, Rodney Davis, Wendy Rogers, Kelly Loeffler, Dan Sullivan, Elise Stefanik, Thom Tillis, Ben Sasse, Brian Fitzpatrick, John Katko, Gardner for Congress 2012, Team Graham,, Ron Johnson for Senate, Friends of Todd Young, Steve Daines for Montana, Ted Cruz for Senate, Cotton for Congress, Bill Cassidy for US Senate, Tim Scott For Senate, Joni Ernst for US Senate, Thom Tillis Cmte, Rounds for Senate, Perdue for Senate, Zeldin for Congress, Jobs, Opportunity & New Ideas PAC, Matt Rosendale for Montana, Katko for Congress, Marco Rubio For Senate 2016, John Kennedy for US, Alaskans for Dan Sullivan, Friends of Hagedorn, Josh Hawley, Joni Ernst, Mike Braun, Cindy Hyde-Smith, Jim Hagedorn, McSally for Senate, John James for Senate, Cindy Hyde-Smith for US Senate, Matt Rosendale, WinRed, Hunt For Congress, Wesley Hunt, John James, Georgians For Kelly Loeffler, Joe Collins For Congress, Joe Collins, Byron Donalds For Congress, Jason Lewis For Senate, Jason Lewis, Mark Ronchetti For New Mexico, Mark V Ronchetti, Tuberville For Senate, Inc., Tommy Tuberville
Giuseppe Cecchi Herman Cain, Michele Bachmann, Marsha Blackburn, Paul C Broun Jr, Susan Collins, Mike Crapo, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham, Dean Heller, Darrell Issa, Mark Steven Kirk, Connie Mack IV, Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, Devin Nunes, Denny Rehberg, John Thune, David Vitter, Joe Wilson, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Pat Toomey, Newt Gingrich, Mark W Neumann, Donald Trump, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Collins for Senator, McConnell Senate Committee '08, Arizona Republican Party, Republican Party of Wisconsin, John Kennedy, Madison Project Inc., Duane Sand, Kevin McCarthy for Congress, Bill Cassidy, Devin Nunes Campaign Committee, Prosperity PAC, Senate Conservatives Fund, Mitt Romney, John Reeves Raese, Cory Gardner, Sharron E Angle, Huck PAC, Carly Fiorina, Scott P Brown, Richard E Mourdock, Lee Zeldin, Freedom's Defense Fund, Our Country Deserves Better PAC, Jim Risch, Joe Heck, Rick Berg, Jaime Herrera Beutler, Ron Johnson, James Lankford, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Todd Young, Karen Handel, Sarah PAC, Josh Mandel, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, John Dennis, Charlie Summers, Tom Cotton, Paul Babeu, David Valadao, The Tea Party Leadership Fund, Martha McSally, Mia Love, Rodney Davis, Joe Kaufman, Black Republican PAC, Special Operations Speaks PAC - SOS PAC, Wendy Rogers, Our Voice PAC, Kelly Loeffler, Chris McDaniel, Dan Sullivan, Thom Tillis, Ben Sasse, Jobs, Growth and Freedom Fund, National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee, John Katko, Gardner for Congress 2012, Team Graham, Jaime Herrera for Congress, Steve Daines for Montana, Valadao for Congress, Rodney for Congress, Joni Ernst for US Senate, Stop Hillary PAC, Conservative Strikeforce, Thom Tillis Cmte, Zeldin for Congress, Ted Cruz Victory Cmte, Matt Rosendale for Montana, Katko for Congress, 2016 Cmte, Rob Maness, Friends of Hagedorn, Joni Ernst, Jim Hagedorn, Dan Crenshaw, Handel for Congress, McSally for Senate, Dan Crenshaw for Congress, Yvette for Congress, Hagan for Congress, Matt Rosendale, WinRed, Georgians For Kelly Loeffler, Christopher L Jacobs, Mike Garcia For Congress, Michael Garcia, Americans For Parnell Committee, Richard Sean Parnell, Nancy Mace For Congress, Nancy Mace, Christina Hagan, Yvette Herrell, Ashley Hinson For Congress, Ashley Hinson Arenholz, Beth Van Duyne For Congress, Van Duyne Elizabeth Ann, David Richter For Congress Inc., David Richter
Dana K Anderson Herman Cain, David Perdue, Michele Bachmann, John Boehner, Paul C Broun Jr, Steve Chabot, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Jim DeMint, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham, Jim Inhofe, Darrell Issa, Jim Jordan, Connie Mack IV, Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, Devin Nunes, Ted Poe, Denny Rehberg, Pat Roberts, Steve Scalise, John Thune, David Vitter, Roger Wicker, George Allen, Pat Toomey, Mark W Neumann, Texans for Senator John Cornyn Inc, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Collins for Senator, Vernon L Robinson, McConnell Senate Committee '08, Don Stenberg, Steve Chabot for Congress, Friends of John Thune, Jim Risch for U S Senate Committee, Duane Sand, Kevin McCarthy for Congress, Bill Cassidy, Kris Kobach, Allen West, Devin Nunes Campaign Committee, Senate Conservatives Fund, Mitt Romney, Scalise for Congress, Cory Gardner, Sharron E Angle, Huck PAC, Carly Fiorina, Richard E Mourdock, Freedom's Defense Fund, Our Country Deserves Better PAC, Jim Risch, Mick Mulvaney, Chuck DeVore, Justin Amash, Ron Johnson, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Todd Young, Karen Handel, Joe Miller, Josh Mandel, Ken Buck, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, Tom Smith, Tom Cotton, Thomas Massie, Martha McSally, Mia Love, Kelly Loeffler, Dan Sullivan, Thom Tillis, Gardner for Congress 2012, Team Graham, Friends of Todd Young, Steve Daines for Montana, Bill Cassidy for US Senate, Tim Scott For Senate, Joni Ernst for US Senate, Thom Tillis Cmte, Perdue for Senate, Matt Rosendale for Montana, Trump Make America Great Again Committee, Marco Rubio For Senate 2016, Alaskans for Dan Sullivan, Josh Hawley, Joni Ernst, Cindy Hyde-Smith, Dan Crenshaw, Chip Roy, Handel for Congress, McSally for Senate, Josh Hawley for Senate, Chip Roy for Congress, John James for Senate, Cindy Hyde-Smith for US Senate, Dan Crenshaw for Congress, Young Kim for Congress, Matt Rosendale, WinRed, John James, Georgians For Kelly Loeffler, Christopher L Jacobs, Marchant For Congress, Jim Marchant, Mike Garcia For Congress, Michael Garcia, Burgess 4 Utah, Burgess Owens, Americans For Parnell Committee, Richard Sean Parnell, Byron Donalds For Congress, Tuberville For Senate, Inc., Tommy Tuberville, Nancy Mace For Congress, Nancy Mace, Ashley Hinson For Congress, Ashley Hinson Arenholz, Young Kim, Joe Profit For Congress Llc, Rev Joseph Profit
Foster Friess Ben Carson, David Perdue, John Barrasso, Marsha Blackburn, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Paul C Broun Jr, Shelley Moore Capito, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Mike Enzi, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham, Dean Heller, Jim Inhofe, Darrell Issa, Jim Jordan, Kevin McCarthy, Michael T McCaul, Mitch McConnell, Devin Nunes, Denny Rehberg, Steve Scalise, John Thune, David Vitter, Roger Wicker, Joe Wilson, George Allen, Pat Toomey, Dan Coats, Newt Gingrich, Mark W Neumann, Joseph J Dioguardi, Donald Trump, Texans for Senator John Cornyn Inc, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, McCaul for Congress, Inc, Collins for Senator, McConnell Senate Committee '08, Don Stenberg, Jim Jordan for Congress, Arizona Republican Party, Republican Party of Wisconsin, John Kennedy, Madison Project Inc., Kevin McCarthy for Congress, Bill Cassidy, Devin Nunes Campaign Committee, Prosperity PAC, Senate Conservatives Fund, Mitt Romney, Mike Rounds, Scalise for Congress, Cory Gardner, Clark Durant, Sharron E Angle, Huck PAC, Carly Fiorina, Scott P Brown, Richard E Mourdock, Lee Zeldin, Our Country Deserves Better PAC, Jim Risch, Joe Heck, Justin Amash, John Hoeven, Ron Johnson, James Lankford, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Todd Young, Josh Mandel, Ken Buck, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, Dan Bongino, Tom Cotton, Paul Babeu, Wendy Long, Martha McSally, Mia Love, Dan Liljenquist, USA Super PAC, Wendy Rogers, Kelly Loeffler, Chris McDaniel, Dan Sullivan, Elise Stefanik, Thom Tillis, Ben Sasse, Gardner for Congress 2012, Team Graham, Steve Daines for Montana, Tim Scott For Senate, Joni Ernst for US Senate, Thom Tillis Cmte, Elise for Congress, Rounds for Senate, Perdue for Senate, Matt Rosendale for Montana, Rob Maness, Joni Ernst, Dan Crenshaw, Chip Roy, Chip Roy for Congress, John James for Senate, Dan Crenshaw for Congress, Yvette for Congress, Matt Rosendale, WinRed, John James, Georgians For Kelly Loeffler, Christopher L Jacobs, Marchant For Congress, Jim Marchant, Americans For Parnell Committee, Richard Sean Parnell, Nancy Mace For Congress, Nancy Mace, Yvette Herrell, Ashley Hinson For Congress, Ashley Hinson Arenholz
John Peck Ben Carson, Herman Cain, David Perdue, Michele Bachmann, John Boehner, Paul C Broun Jr, Jeff Flake, Darrell Issa, Jim Jordan, Mark Steven Kirk, Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, Devin Nunes, Ron Paul, Joe Wilson, Donald Trump, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Jim Jordan for Congress, Republican Party of Wisconsin, John Kennedy, Madison Project Inc., Duane Sand, Kevin McCarthy for Congress, Kris Kobach, Allen West, Devin Nunes Campaign Committee, Prosperity PAC, Senate Conservatives Fund, Mitt Romney, Cory Gardner, Sharron E Angle, Jon Bruning, Carly Fiorina, National Republican Trust PAC, the, Richard E Mourdock, Our Country Deserves Better PAC, Joe Heck, Marlin Stutzman, Ron Johnson, Mike Lee, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Todd Young, Karen Handel, Joe Miller, Josh Mandel, Sean D Bielat, Ted Cruz, Reinventing a New Direction - Randpac, Many Individual Conservatives Helping Elect Leaders Everywhere (Michelepac), Tom Cotton, David Valadao, Martha McSally, Revive America PAC, Joe PAC, Wendy Rogers, Kelly Loeffler, Chris McDaniel, Dan Sullivan, Thom Tillis, Ben Sasse, Jobs, Growth and Freedom Fund, Kelli Ward, Gardner for Congress 2012, Friends of Mike Lee, Ron Johnson for Senate, Friends of Todd Young, Ted Cruz for Senate, Valadao for Congress, Tim Scott For Senate, Joni Ernst for US Senate, Stop Hillary PAC, Thom Tillis Cmte, Perdue for Senate, Conservative Majority Fund, Ted Cruz Victory Cmte, Matt Rosendale for Montana, Rob Maness, Trump Make America Great Again Committee, John Kennedy for US, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc, Josh Hawley, Joni Ernst, Cindy Hyde-Smith, Dan Crenshaw, McSally for Senate, Josh Hawley for Senate, Cindy Hyde-Smith for US Senate, Dan Crenshaw for Congress, Young Kim for Congress, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Rosendale, WinRed, Georgians For Kelly Loeffler, Christopher L Jacobs, Mike Garcia For Congress, Michael Garcia, Tuberville For Senate, Inc., Tommy Tuberville, Nancy Mace For Congress, Nancy Mace, Greene For Congress, Catalina For Congress, Catalina Lauf, Brakey For Congress, Eric Brakey, Kobach For Senate, Texans For Ronny Jackson, Ronny Jackson, Young Kim, Team Scalise, Beth Van Duyne For Congress, Van Duyne Elizabeth Ann, Anna Paulina Luna For Congress, Anna Paulina Luna, Committee To Elect Sam Peters, Samuel James Mr Peters, Save America Joint Fundraising Committee, Marjorie Taylor Greene's People Over Politicians Committee, Becker For Congress, April Becker, Bikers For The President Pac
Marilyn Hayden David Perdue, Michele Bachmann, John Cornyn, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham, Darrell Issa, Jim Jordan, Mark Steven Kirk, Mitch McConnell, Devin Nunes, Ron Paul, Pat Roberts, Steve Scalise, John Thune, Pat Toomey, Mark W Neumann, Donald Trump, Texans for Senator John Cornyn Inc, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, McConnell Senate Committee '08, Don Stenberg, Jim Jordan for Congress, Arizona Republican Party, Republican Party of Wisconsin, John Kennedy, Madison Project Inc., Bill Cassidy, Kris Kobach, Prosperity PAC, Senate Conservatives Fund, Mike Rounds, Scalise for Congress, Cory Gardner, Huck PAC, Carly Fiorina, Scott P Brown, Lee Zeldin, Freedom's Defense Fund, Liberty PAC, Jim Risch, Marlin Stutzman, Ron Johnson, Mike Lee, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Josh Mandel, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, Tom Cotton, Thomas Massie, Martha McSally, Mia Love, Black Republican PAC, Kelly Loeffler, Chris McDaniel, Dan Sullivan, Elise Stefanik, Thom Tillis, Team Graham, Friends of Mike Lee, Ron Johnson for Senate, Steve Daines for Montana, Ted Cruz for Senate, Cotton for Congress, Thomas Massie for Congress, Tim Scott For Senate, Joni Ernst for US Senate, Stop Hillary PAC, Conservative Strikeforce, Elise for Congress, Perdue for Senate, Zeldin for Congress, Matt Rosendale for Montana, 2016 Cmte, Trump Make America Great Again Committee, Marco Rubio For Senate 2016, John Kennedy for US, Josh Hawley, Joni Ernst, Dan Crenshaw, Chip Roy, McSally for Senate, Josh Hawley for Senate, Chip Roy for Congress, John James for Senate, Dan Crenshaw for Congress, Yvette for Congress, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Rosendale, Anthony Bouchard For Congress, Anthony Bouchard, WinRed, Hunt For Congress, Wesley Hunt, John James, Georgians For Kelly Loeffler, Christopher L Jacobs, Joe Collins For Congress, Joe Collins, Mike Garcia For Congress, Michael Garcia, Burgess 4 Utah, Burgess Owens, Byron Donalds For Congress, Tuberville For Senate, Inc., Tommy Tuberville, New Journey Pac, Inc., Nancy Mace For Congress, Nancy Mace, Yvette Herrell, Ashley Hinson For Congress, Ashley Hinson Arenholz, Greene For Congress, Catalina For Congress, Catalina Lauf, Kobach For Senate, Michelle Steel For Congress, Michelle Steel, Team Scalise, Stand America Pac
Allen Simon Ben Carson, Herman Cain, David Perdue, Michele Bachmann, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, John Boozman, Paul C Broun Jr, Steve Chabot, Jim DeMint, Jeff Flake, Dean Heller, Peter Hoekstra, Jim Jordan, Connie Mack IV, Mitch McConnell, Ted Poe, Denny Rehberg, Pat Roberts, Steve Scalise, John Thune, George Allen, Pat Toomey, Dan Coats, Newt Gingrich, Mark W Neumann, Joseph J Dioguardi, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Vernon L Robinson, McConnell Senate Committee '08, Don Stenberg, Jim Jordan for Congress, Arizona Republican Party, Republican Party of Wisconsin, Madison Project Inc., Bill Cassidy, Nevada Republican State Central Committee, Allen West, Prosperity PAC, Senate Conservatives Fund, Mitt Romney, Scalise for Congress, Scott Randall Tipton, John Reeves Raese, Christine O'Donnell, Cory Gardner, Sharron E Angle, Carly Fiorina, David Jeffrey Harmer, Scott P Brown, National Republican Trust PAC, the, Richard E Mourdock, Team America PAC, Super PAC For America, Our Country Deserves Better PAC, Jim Risch, Mick Mulvaney, Chuck DeVore, Joe Heck, Charles Djou, Marlin Stutzman, Justin Amash, John Hoeven, Ron Johnson, Mike Lee, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Robert L Turner, Todd Young, Dino Rossi, Joe Miller, Sarah H Steelman, Josh Mandel, Sean D Bielat, Ryan L Frazier, Ken Buck, Tim Burns, Ted Cruz, Robert L Steele, Reinventing a New Direction - Randpac, Steven Daines, Peter J Corrigan, Ruth McClung, John Dennis, Dan Bongino, Tom Smith, Tom Cotton, Paul Babeu, Deb Fischer, The Tea Party Leadership Fund, Thomas Massie, Martha McSally, Mia Love, Revive America PAC, Charles J Lollar, Black Republican PAC, Wendy Rogers, Kelly Loeffler, Chris McDaniel, Dan Sullivan, Thom Tillis, Ben Sasse, National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee, Kelli Ward, Cotton for Congress, Stop Hillary PAC, Conservative Strikeforce, Perdue for Senate, 2016 Cmte, Tea Party Victory Fund, Rob Maness, Trump Make America Great Again Committee, Joni Ernst, McSally for Senate, WinRed, Georgians For Kelly Loeffler, Christopher L Jacobs, Marchant For Congress, Jim Marchant
Paul Singer David Perdue, John Barrasso, Marsha Blackburn, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, John Boozman, Shelley Moore Capito, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Mike Crapo, Jim DeMint, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham, Chuck Grassley, Dean Heller, Darrell Issa, Mark Steven Kirk, Connie Mack IV, Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, Devin Nunes, Denny Rehberg, Pat Roberts, Steve Scalise, John Thune, David Vitter, Roger Wicker, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Pat Toomey, Dan Coats, Texans for Senator John Cornyn Inc, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Grassley Committee Inc, Republican Party of Wisconsin, Jim Risch for U S Senate Committee, John Kennedy, Bill Cassidy, Prosperity PAC, Mitt Romney, Mike Rounds, Scalise for Congress, Scott Randall Tipton, Cory Gardner, Carly Fiorina, Scott P Brown, Jason Chaffetz, Lee Zeldin, Jim Risch, Joe Heck, Charles Djou, Rick Berg, Jaime Herrera Beutler, Ron Johnson, James Lankford, Mike Lee, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Todd Young, Karen Handel, Dino Rossi, Ken Buck, Steven Daines, Tom Cotton, Deb Fischer, David Valadao, Martha McSally, Mia Love, USA Super PAC, Rodney Davis, Wendy Rogers, Kelly Loeffler, Dan Sullivan, Elise Stefanik, Thom Tillis, Ben Sasse, Brian Fitzpatrick, John Katko, Team Graham, Jaime Herrera for Congress, Ron Johnson for Senate, Cotton for Congress, Valadao for Congress, Rodney for Congress, Elise for Congress, Rounds for Senate, Perdue for Senate, Zeldin for Congress, Brian Fitzpatrick For Congress, John Kennedy for US, Joni Ernst, Jack Bergman, Dan Crenshaw, Handel for Congress, Bergman for Congress, John James for Senate, Dan Crenshaw for Congress, Young Kim for Congress, Lauren Boebert For Congress, Lauren Boebert, WinRed, Hunt For Congress, Wesley Hunt, John James, Georgians For Kelly Loeffler, Mike Garcia For Congress, Michael Garcia, Burgess 4 Utah, Burgess Owens, Americans For Parnell Committee, Richard Sean Parnell, Byron Donalds For Congress, Nancy Mace For Congress, Nancy Mace, Ashley Hinson For Congress, Ashley Hinson Arenholz, Young Kim, Beth Van Duyne For Congress, Van Duyne Elizabeth Ann, National Victory Action Fund
Miriam Adelson David Perdue, Michele Bachmann, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Shelley Moore Capito, Steve Chabot, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham, Chuck Grassley, Dean Heller, Darrell Issa, Mark Steven Kirk, Kevin McCarthy, Michael T McCaul, Mitch McConnell, Denny Rehberg, Pat Toomey, Newt Gingrich, Donald Trump, Texans for Senator John Cornyn Inc, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, McCaul for Congress, Inc, Collins for Senator, McConnell Senate Committee '08, Steve Chabot for Congress, Republican Party of Wisconsin, Jim Risch for U S Senate Committee, Republican Party of Texas, Kevin McCarthy for Congress, Bill Cassidy, Nevada Republican State Central Committee, Prosperity PAC, Mitt Romney, Mike Rounds, Cory Gardner, Sharron E Angle, Carly Fiorina, Scott P Brown, Lee Zeldin, Jim Risch, Joe Heck, Rick Berg, Jaime Herrera Beutler, Ron Johnson, Mike Lee, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Karen Handel, Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton, Paul Babeu, Deb Fischer, David Valadao, Martha McSally, Rodney Davis, Dan Sullivan, Elise Stefanik, Thom Tillis, Ben Sasse, Brian Fitzpatrick, John Katko, Gardner for Congress 2012, Team Graham, Jaime Herrera for Congress, Cotton for Congress, Valadao for Congress, Rodney for Congress, Bill Cassidy for US Senate, Capito for West Virginia, Joni Ernst for US Senate, Thom Tillis Cmte, Elise for Congress, Rounds for Senate, Perdue for Senate, Zeldin for Congress, Matt Rosendale for Montana, Katko for Congress, Brian Fitzpatrick For Congress, Alaskans for Dan Sullivan, Friends of Hagedorn, Joni Ernst, Cindy Hyde-Smith, Jim Hagedorn, Dan Crenshaw, Handel for Congress, McSally for Senate, John James for Senate, Cindy Hyde-Smith for US Senate, Dan Crenshaw for Congress, Yvette for Congress, Young Kim for Congress, Matt Rosendale, Hunt For Congress, Wesley Hunt, John James, Christopher L Jacobs, Rodimer For Congress, Dan Rodimer, Mike Garcia For Congress, Michael Garcia, Americans For Parnell Committee, Richard Sean Parnell, Byron Donalds For Congress, Mark Ronchetti For New Mexico, Mark V Ronchetti, Tuberville For Senate, Inc., Tommy Tuberville, Nancy Mace For Congress, Nancy Mace, Yvette Herrell, Texans For Ronny Jackson, Ronny Jackson, Michelle Steel For Congress, Michelle Steel, Young Kim, Beth Van Duyne For Congress, Van Duyne Elizabeth Ann
Stephen Schwarzman David Perdue, John Barrasso, Marsha Blackburn, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, John Boozman, Shelley Moore Capito, Steve Chabot, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Mike Crapo, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham, Chuck Grassley, Dean Heller, Jim Inhofe, Mark Steven Kirk, Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, Devin Nunes, Denny Rehberg, Pat Roberts, Steve Scalise, John Thune, David Vitter, Roger Wicker, Joe Wilson, Heather Wilson, Pat Toomey, Dan Coats, Donald Trump, Texans for Senator John Cornyn Inc, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Collins for Senator, Friends of Roy Blunt, Steve Chabot for Congress, Friends of Jim Inhofe Committee, Arizona Republican Party, Friends of John Thune, Republican Party of Wisconsin, Jim Risch for U S Senate Committee, Friends of John Barrasso, John Kennedy, Bill Cassidy, Nevada Republican State Central Committee, Allen West, Devin Nunes Campaign Committee, Prosperity PAC, Mitt Romney, Mike Rounds, Scott Randall Tipton, Cory Gardner, Carly Fiorina, Scott P Brown, Lee Zeldin, Jim Risch, Joe Heck, Rick Berg, Jaime Herrera Beutler, John Hoeven, Ron Johnson, James Lankford, Mike Lee, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Todd Young, Dino Rossi, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, Tom Cotton, David Valadao, Martha McSally, Mia Love, Rodney Davis, Kelly Loeffler, Dan Sullivan, Elise Stefanik, Thom Tillis, Ben Sasse, John Katko, Team Graham,, Jaime Herrera for Congress, Friends of Mike Lee, Families for James Lankford, Steve Daines for Montana, Rodney for Congress, Tim Scott For Senate, Thom Tillis Cmte, Elise for Congress, Rounds for Senate, Perdue for Senate, Zeldin for Congress, Ted Cruz Victory Cmte, Katko for Congress, John Kennedy for US, Alaskans for Dan Sullivan, Joni Ernst, Dan Crenshaw, McSally for Senate, Dan Crenshaw for Congress, Yvette for Congress, Young Kim for Congress, WinRed, Hunt For Congress, Wesley Hunt, Georgians For Kelly Loeffler, Christopher L Jacobs, Americans For Parnell Committee, Richard Sean Parnell, Nancy Mace For Congress, Nancy Mace, Yvette Herrell, Ashley Hinson For Congress, Ashley Hinson Arenholz, Young Kim
Warren C Keinath David Perdue, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Lindsey Graham, Jim Jordan, Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, Devin Nunes, Donald Trump, Texans for Senator John Cornyn Inc, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Collins for Senator, McConnell Senate Committee '08, Jim Jordan for Congress, Arizona Republican Party, John Kennedy, Republican Party of Texas, Kevin McCarthy for Congress, Devin Nunes Campaign Committee, Senate Conservatives Fund, Cory Gardner, Lee Zeldin, Jaime Herrera Beutler, Ron Johnson, Mike Lee, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Todd Young, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, David Valadao, Martha McSally, Kelly Loeffler, Dan Sullivan, Elise Stefanik, Thom Tillis, Brian Fitzpatrick, Gardner for Congress 2012, Team Graham, Jaime Herrera for Congress, Friends of Mike Lee, Ron Johnson for Senate, Friends of Todd Young, Steve Daines for Montana, Ted Cruz for Senate, Valadao for Congress, Tim Scott For Senate, Joni Ernst for US Senate, Thom Tillis Cmte, Elise for Congress, Perdue for Senate, Zeldin for Congress, Trump Make America Great Again Committee, Marco Rubio For Senate 2016, Brian Fitzpatrick For Congress, Clay Higgins, John Kennedy for US, Friends of Hagedorn, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc, Captain Higgins for Congress, Josh Hawley, Joni Ernst, Jim Hagedorn, Dan Crenshaw, McSally for Senate, Josh Hawley for Senate, John James for Senate, Dan Crenshaw for Congress, Young Kim for Congress, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert For Congress, Lauren Boebert, WinRed, Hunt For Congress, Wesley Hunt, John James, Georgians For Kelly Loeffler, Christopher L Jacobs, Rodimer For Congress, Dan Rodimer, Mike Garcia For Congress, Michael Garcia, Burgess 4 Utah, Burgess Owens, Byron Donalds For Congress, Jason Lewis For Senate, Jason Lewis, Greitens For Us Senate, Eric Greitens, Nancy Mace For Congress, Nancy Mace, Ashley Hinson For Congress, Ashley Hinson Arenholz, Greene For Congress, Catalina For Congress, Catalina Lauf, Texans For Ronny Jackson, Ronny Jackson, Michelle Steel For Congress, Michelle Steel, Young Kim, Team Scalise, Anna Paulina Luna For Congress, Anna Paulina Luna, Committee To Elect Sam Peters, Samuel James Mr Peters, National Victory Action Fund, Save America Joint Fundraising Committee, Marjorie Taylor Greene's People Over Politicians Committee, Bikers For The President Pac
Leslie Rose Ben Carson, Herman Cain, David Perdue, Michele Bachmann, Marsha Blackburn, Roy Blunt, Paul C Broun Jr, Steve Chabot, Susan Collins, John Cornyn, Jim DeMint, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham, Chuck Grassley, Dean Heller, Jim Inhofe, Jim Jordan, Mark Steven Kirk, Connie Mack IV, Mitch McConnell, Ron Paul, Denny Rehberg, Pat Roberts, Steve Scalise, Roger Wicker, George Allen, Pat Toomey, Dan Coats, Mark W Neumann, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Collins for Senator, Vernon L Robinson, McConnell Senate Committee '08, Steve Chabot for Congress, Jim Jordan for Congress, Friends of Jim Inhofe Committee, Kris Kobach, Allen West, Senate Conservatives Fund, Mitt Romney, Mike Rounds, Cory Gardner, Clark Durant, Sharron E Angle, Scott P Brown, Richard E Mourdock, Our Country Deserves Better PAC, Gregory E Sowards, Marlin Stutzman, Justin Amash, Dan Benishek, Ron Johnson, Mike Lee, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Josh Mandel, Ken Buck, Ted Cruz, Reinventing a New Direction - Randpac, Steven Daines, John Dennis, Tom Cotton, The Tea Party Leadership Fund, Martha McSally, Mia Love, Kelly Loeffler, Chris McDaniel, Dan Sullivan, Thom Tillis, Ben Sasse, Kelli Ward, Gardner for Congress 2012, Friends of Mike Lee, Steve Daines for Montana, Ted Cruz for Senate, Thom Tillis Cmte, Perdue for Senate, Matt Rosendale for Montana, Rob Maness, Marco Rubio For Senate 2016, Joni Ernst, Cindy Hyde-Smith, Chip Roy, McSally for Senate, Chip Roy for Congress, John James for Senate, Cindy Hyde-Smith for US Senate, Matt Rosendale, Lauren Boebert For Congress, Lauren Boebert, WinRed, John James, Georgians For Kelly Loeffler, Christopher L Jacobs, Marchant For Congress, Jim Marchant, Mike Garcia For Congress, Michael Garcia, Americans For Parnell Committee, Richard Sean Parnell, Tuberville For Senate, Inc., Tommy Tuberville, Nancy Mace For Congress, Nancy Mace, Brakey For Congress, Eric Brakey, Kobach For Senate, Friends Of Matt Gurtler, Inc., Matt Gurtler
John W Childs David Perdue, Michele Bachmann, John Barrasso, Marsha Blackburn, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, John Boozman, Paul C Broun Jr, Steve Chabot, John Cornyn, Jim DeMint, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham, Chuck Grassley, Jim Jordan, Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, Denny Rehberg, Steve Scalise, John Thune, David Vitter, George Allen, Pat Toomey, Dan Coats, Newt Gingrich, Mark W Neumann, Donald Trump, Texans for Senator John Cornyn Inc, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, McConnell Senate Committee '08, Steve Chabot for Congress, Jim Jordan for Congress, John Kennedy, Republican Party of Texas, Bill Cassidy, Nevada Republican State Central Committee, Prosperity PAC, Senate Conservatives Fund, Mitt Romney, Scalise for Congress, Cory Gardner, Sharron E Angle, Huck PAC, Scott P Brown, Marlin Stutzman, Justin Amash, Rick Berg, Mike Lee, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Todd Young, Ken Buck, Ted Cruz, Steven Daines, Charlie Summers, Tom Cotton, David Valadao, Thomas Massie, Chris McDaniel, Dan Sullivan, Elise Stefanik, Thom Tillis, Ben Sasse, Brian Fitzpatrick, Jobs, Growth and Freedom Fund, John Katko, Friends of Todd Young, Thomas Massie for Congress, Tim Scott For Senate, Perdue for Senate, Ted Cruz Victory Cmte, Matt Rosendale for Montana, Clay Higgins, John Kennedy for US, Captain Higgins for Congress, Josh Hawley, Mike Braun, Dan Crenshaw, Chip Roy, Chip Roy for Congress, Mike Braun for Indiana, Dan Crenshaw for Congress, Yvette for Congress, Young Kim for Congress, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Rosendale, Lauren Boebert For Congress, Lauren Boebert, WinRed, Joe Collins For Congress, Joe Collins, Mike Garcia For Congress, Michael Garcia, Burgess 4 Utah, Burgess Owens, Byron Donalds For Congress, Jason Lewis For Senate, Jason Lewis, Tuberville For Senate, Inc., Tommy Tuberville, Nancy Mace For Congress, Nancy Mace, Yvette Herrell, Greene For Congress, Brakey For Congress, Eric Brakey, Young Kim
Elloine Clark Ben Carson, Michele Bachmann, John Barrasso, Marsha Blackburn, Roy Blunt, John Boehner, Paul C Broun Jr, Shelley Moore Capito, John R Carter, John Cornyn, Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham, Dean Heller, Peter Hoekstra, Jim Inhofe, Darrell Issa, Mark Steven Kirk, Michael T McCaul, Mitch McConnell, Devin Nunes, Ron Paul, Denny Rehberg, John Thune, David Vitter, Roger Wicker, Heather Wilson, George Allen, Pat Toomey, Dan Coats, Mark W Neumann, Donald Trump, Texans for Senator John Cornyn Inc, Republican National Committee, National Republican Senatorial Committee, National Republican Congressional Committee, Vernon L Robinson, McConnell Senate Committee '08, Don Stenberg, Republican Party of Wisconsin, Republican Party of Texas, Madison Project Inc., Duane Sand, Bill Cassidy, Nevada Republican State Central Committee, Allen West, Prosperity PAC, Senate Conservatives Fund, Mitt Romney, Mike Rounds, Cory Gardner, Sharron E Angle, Jon Bruning, National Rifle Association of America Political Victory Fund, Huck PAC, Justin Bernier, Scott P Brown, National Republican Trust PAC, the, Richard E Mourdock, Team America PAC, Freedom's Defense Fund, Gregory E Sowards, Mick Mulvaney, Joe Heck, Marlin Stutzman, Rick Berg, John Hoeven, Ron Johnson, James Lankford, Mike Lee, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Todd Young, Sean D Bielat, Ken Buck, Ted Cruz, Stephen Edward Broden, Reinventing a New Direction - Randpac, Peter J Corrigan, Many Individual Conservatives Helping Elect Leaders Everywhere (Michelepac), Tom Smith, Tom Cotton, Deb Fischer, National Association for Gun Rights Inc PAC, Martha McSally, Mia Love, Laurence S D'Amboise, Joe Kaufman, Black Republican PAC, Wendy Rogers, Chris McDaniel, Dan Sullivan, Ben Sasse, Jobs, Growth and Freedom Fund, National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee, Kelli Ward, Team Graham, Ted Cruz for Senate, Stop Hillary PAC, Conservative Strikeforce, Ted Cruz Victory Cmte, Veterans Victory Fund, Rob Maness, Trump Make America Great Again Committee, Joni Ernst, Chip Roy, Chip Roy for Congress, Texans For Ronny Jackson, Ronny Jackson