Efforts to Outcomes Software and Great Families 2020 have/had a generic relationship

Used for Efforts to Outcomes Software
Uses Great Families 2020
Notes INFORMED BY REAL-TIME DATA With the Efforts to Outcomes database, Great Families 2020 is able to collect client-level data and uses a third-party evaluator to asses program implementation over time. These data points will inform real-time quality improvements, ensuring the initiative is providing the tools and resources needed in the best way possible. United Way also maintains strong relationships with all Great Families 2020 partners, strengthening their processes and practices while expanding their capacity. FOCUSING ON THE FAMILY Every family enrolled in Great Families 2020 engages with a coach to set personal goals and receives consistent support to meet those goals over time. Families focus on improving their social capital, managing health and well-being, increasing economic assets, developing employment pathways and getting children enrolled in high-quality early childhood education. Combining these five areas ensures families have the stable foundation they need to excel. Many of the families served through Great Families 2020 have experienced some form of trauma, which places significant mental, physical, social and emotional burdens on them. Great Families 2020 embeds a trauma-informed practice that acknowledges the impact of trauma, recognizes the signs of trauma and responds by incorporating proven approaches.
Updated about 5 years ago

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